Cheap calculators do. Scientific calculators don’t.
and some do both, and most people probably don’t even know which, and that’s even if they realised there were 2 (or more) methods possible on any calculator.
Indeed the MS windows calculator swings both ways. BODMAS only in scientific, not in standard or programmer. I just tried it.
No idea about my Casio fx451. Is that cheap? or scientific? The fact that it has brackets would suggest to me that it either expects the user to do the BODMAS bit, or make use of the B part and treat the ODMAS part LtR.
Anyway, I vote that the shoes are 5 in the first 2 lines cos that’s the number of pairs of holes that are laced, but when the chap is wearing them he’s got all 7 pairs of holes laced with noddy bows, so they count as 7 in the final line.