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  • A nice story.
  • donsimon
    Free Member

    No pasa nada cariño irlandes. Mwak!

    Free Member

    I could tell you about my experiences in the world of professional cycling, but I won’t.
    I could tell you about certain stocks and shares to buy, but I won’t.


    Please do, sounds thrilling!

    Fair play to the posh boy, but he has done something simply not possible for the vast majority of people due to finances.

    Free Member

    What do you want to know?

    Free Member

    So you actually have no knowledge of mountaineering then despite your claims. I thought not. As you said – an empty vessel makes the most noise.

    Free Member

    Can you two knock your heads together FFS. This could have been a top thread… TeeJ, is there a thread on which you’re active today that hasn’t turned into a fight?

    Free Member

    Right then. This round to TJ I feel. Same time tomorrow everyone?

    Free Member

    several actually DD – and it wasn’t me that started the fight.

    Free Member

    Rich, I’m going with don.

    Looks like we need a neutral third ref. Nit much hope of that then. 🙄

    Free Member

    DD, it’s not a fight as I have nothing to prove, I’m interested.
    TJ what is your problem with me? I have more head to heads with you than anyone, and I’d love to know why?
    You read a book and have no experience.
    I have family members and friends of the family with experience and you have no knowledge of my experience, yet you feel you have more experience than me and the need to comment on it.
    You haven’t studied the law, yet you have more knowledge and experience than others.
    You simply can not accept that you’re wrong, which is amusing, and amusing to me.

    Free Member

    My problem yith you? Just read thru this thread. I posted

    TandemJeremy – Member

    It no huge achievement to get up there if you have paid enough. basically you will be hauled up on the end of a rope. How much did all that cost? I be a lot more impressed by doing solo unsupported stuff.

    Read into thin air

    And you leapt into the attack quite unnecessarily and totally over top claiming I had said and done things I had not.

    You were abusive and unpleasant and an utter hypocrite. You claim I have no experience when I have climbed all over the world for decades even if not to a hugely high level, somehow you know more than me despite no experience at all just talking to members of your family. You claimed you had mountaineering experience but you are unable to back it up.

    You have no idea about me – I have studied a few bits of the law at university and my missus has a law degree and decades of experience.

    Why you feel it necessary to make such unpleasant personal attacks and as in this one show such massive hypocrisy. You are one of the most unpleasant people on this forum. never anything positive, always trying to show how superior you are, always trying to put people down.

    So I ask you again. What is YOUR mountaineering experience

    Free Member

    i agree with the denouncers… whoopy-do. the kid got to the top of the seven highest mountains.

    what a d1ck.. he went all that way and didn’t take a bike with him.

    he must certainly have some savvy with regards to climbing, but his folks have stumped up the cash for him to do it. you can do anything if you throw money at it.

    as a comparison…… i think the kid in the film “into the wild” was a much cooler character (despite the fact he died, lthough i thought that was pretty cool, too) for doing something of his own back and having o rely on his wits, not his folks purse.

    Free Member

    Have a tissue sweethaeart,look and see that I’m very careful NOT to be negative, live by the sword,etc…
    I’m sorry if I’ve hurt your feelings, but it’s not the first time time they’ve been hurt is it?
    Just have a read of the Contador thread where you accuse a friend of mine of taking illegal performance enhancing drugs, that’s slander. Are you and your pithy 6 weeks of law ready for that? You accuse the RFEC of breaking the law, that’s slander. Woulld you like me to pass the thread to the president?
    You have a narrow minded attitude here, you call me nasty? Just because I challenge you? Grow the **** up for god’s sake.

    Free Member

    Your ignorance is as breathtaking as your stupidity and arrogance.

    You can challenge people without the unpleasant personal invective.

    Free Member

    You two CTFO please. It’s really not worth getting so het up because cos some guy on the internet doesn’t like you. 🙄

    Free Member

    Would you care to explain why you are so offended and where the invective is?

    Free Member

    I am not offended – I am laughing at you

    I suggest you read the thread again.


    grum – Member

    You two CTFO please. It’s really not worth getting so het up because cos some guy on the internet doesn’t like you.

    Quite right

    Free Member

    And apparently WADA has no authority because CAS has the final word.
    TJ, give it up.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Why? when we’ve got to wunundred.

    Full Member

    One in ten people die attempting Everest.
    Would anyone on here who thinks it’s a walk in the park take those odds?

    This thread exemplifies all thats bad about this place – pseudo intellectual bollocks spouted by fantasists.

    Full Member

    My next door neighbour has climbed it twice as well as K2 and a few other big ones, he was a mountain guide out there. He reckons it was reasonably impressive despite the commercial nature of most expeditions, as he said you still have to do some work and it’s impossible to understand unless you have been there. He said McKinley was harder fwiw. When I get a second I’ll find his references.

    Free Member

    Good to see you NZCol.
    How’s things your way?

    Free Member

    One in ten people die attempting Everest.

    Think it’s one person dies for every successful attempt on Everest, not one in 10 who try – lots of people don’t make it to the top but don’t die.

    Not sure what the source is but here it says 6000 have attempted it, and around 200 have died, which would make it 3% – although apparently the rate has dropped off considerably since 1990. Still fairly dangerous though!


    Interestingly – stats on this site show that those from ‘non-porter’ nations have a significantly lower chance of dying, around 1.34% of attempters, but including the ‘porter nations’ there is a lower summiteer fatality rate.


    My next door neighbour has climbed it twice as well as K2

    Climbing K2, **** now that’s impressive, whatever age you are.

    Free Member

    At 16 I’d done the Lyke Wake Walk within the 24, I’d done a major part of the Pennine Way, I’d cycled a fair bit, I’d climbed Yr Wyddfa and Cadiar Idris. At 18 I’d also got a fair way up Ben Nevis, but the Zippo lighting CPOs decided it was too risky. Lived on survival techniques with the army before 18 yr old.
    So, at 16 years old to have climbed the highest peaks in each continent demands respect. The cynics don’t. And I find it sad in my heart that, in spite of your own feelings and successes, you can’t raise a glass to the youngster.
    The chavs and neds get a kicking for being chavs, neds and poor. Those that do something positive get a kicking. You should be ashamed.

    Full Member

    Yep, should have clarified that grum:
    Nearly 3000 people have climbed it, approx 300 deaths. Some have climbed it more than once.

    Stand by the remainder of my post. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve got that funny script editor thing turned on so I have NO idea what this thread is about, other than the usual “tis -tissint- you smell-no you smell”.
    Good tho 🙄

    Free Member

    Just have a read of the Contador thread where you accuse a friend of mine of taking illegal performance enhancing drugs, that’s slander

    Your mate Bertie? When you next chat, do ask him how it feels being a drug cheat.

    BTW it’s libel, not slander. Or at least it would be if the accusations weren’t true.

    Free Member

    I’ve got that funny script editor thing turned on so I have NO idea what this thread is about, other than the usual “tis -tissint- you smell-no you smell”.

    I think that’s the only thing it’s about. Why do people get so upset about trivia?

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, it seems that some STW forum dwellers have evolved to subsist on the actual boredom they generate in others.

    Can be no other explanation why, certain members, continue doing the same dance over and over and over and over like a monkey with a miniature symbol again.

    Free Member


    It is the same dance isn’t it? And it has the same steps, and the same result. What’s the attraction? It proves nothing, solves nothing and makes the participants look fycking ridiculous.

    Free Member

    The OP is right – it is a nice story and well done to the lad.
    The added weight of chips on shoulders would have prevented many forum members from completing the same climbs.

    Free Member

    Good grief how did this get to three pages?

    My original post was mostly a troll btw – I mean great and all, but he’s only doing his hobbies like the rest of us. To a high standard for sure but so what? At that age your potential for achievement is massively governed by your parents’ means and their experiences and background, much less your own grit and ability.

    Some folk have to struggle for years or decades to scrape together funding and support and so on. Of course I’ve no idea what the full story is in his case.

    Free Member

    My original post was mostly a troll btw – I mean great and all, but he’s only doing his hobbies like the rest of us. To a high standard for sure but so what? At that age your potential for achievement is massively governed by your parents’ means and their experiences and background, much less your own grit and ability.

    Sorry to be a pedant, but a ‘troll’ is when you make, and defend, an argument you do not really, if at all, believe in. This is done purely to evoke a response from others, normally a negative one. If what you are saying is what you believe, then it’s just a your genuine point of view.

    …and good morning.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    Oh, you are so much more worthy than the kid in the Op’s comment…

    I might be inclined to agree with that.

    Free Member

    Some folk have to struggle for years or decades to scrape together funding and support and so on. Of course I’ve no idea what the full story is in his case.

    I will await the fully audited accounts of all his climbs, and a full report on his parents finances to be published. Why didn’t the bbc report this in the original story? Don’t they know that we are only allowed to like poor people on here?

    Free Member

    I’d love to climb everest – but my feet get cold in the peaks, so I’m pretty sure I’d lose my toes up there – keep telling myself it’s the only thing stopping my summit attempt 🙂

    Free Member

    Just read the whole of this thread and cannot help but comment.
    Why is it that the same people have to turn it around so all the attention is on them??
    Its **** pathetic…..grown men.
    Cant you let the lad have a bit of glory..whichever way he got up THE TALLEST MOUNTAIN IN THE WORLD!!!

    Free Member

    Although technically not…

    Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain on Earth. Everest is the highest.


    Free Member

    Just read the whole of this thread and cannot help but comment.

    I’m sorry, is there any way I can give you your wasted time back.

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