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  • A certain kind of criminal
  • ryderredman
    Free Member

    My train was late today because someone robbed a pub then tried to use the train as a getaway vehicle. I’d like to think that we only hear about the ones who get caught but how did they ever believe that they’d be able to get away from anything in the UK by using a train?

    I’d like to think that these criminals were German masterminds who were used to precise and military efficiency when it comes to public transport. But realistically I think they were just dumb plums from brinny.

    Free Member

    One of mine robbed a bank using his works van emblazoned with his employers details including contact number . The bank was in his home town staffed by people he had been to school with he did not wear a mask and his diary contained an entry “go to bank!”

    Free Member

    Your train was late because they were caught, or because they couldn’t drive it?

    Free Member

    One of mine robbed a bank using his works van emblazoned with his employers details including contact number . The bank was in his home town staffed by people he had been to school with he did not wear a mask and his diary contained an entry “go to bank!”

    A no comment interview?

    Free Member

    The shop next to mine used to be an off-license – it was broken in to in the night, and the thief left behind his bail papers from Hamilton Sherriff Court, with his name and address on them.

    Free Member

    Perhaps the Keystone cops were chasing the train on a handcar?

    Free Member

    Thegreatape I’m fairly sure it was but I recall once he told me the full story ; which explained why he had qued up 4 times till a particular till was free and why the cashier he gave the I’ve got a gun fill the bag note to gave a wrong description including a non existent tattoo , we went back in and told the police all.

    Free Member

    I imagine you’ve heard some beauties in consultation over the years.

    Full Member

    Guy in Dundee robbed the building society,sets off the dye device as he leaves….Jumps on the bus…He got caught…

    Free Member

    “Dave, did you steal some marble from a warehouse”
    “Of course not! Why would you think that?”
    “Because we’ve got a video of you stealing marble form a warehouse in your works van”
    “I stole some marble from a warehouse”

    Full Member

    sets off the dye device as he leaves….Jumps on the bus…He got caught…

    … red handed?

    Full Member

    I heard a story (one one of those ‘britains stupidest crims type shows) about a bloke who hijacked a bus at gunpoint, and demanded to be taken to an address in Brixton. That the bus would have been going to anyway, and was across the road from a police station.

    He was apprehended with remarkable speed you know!

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