Home Forums Bike Forum 853 Inbred seatclamp size

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  • 853 Inbred seatclamp size
  • PJay
    Free Member

    I’ve got Thomson posts and 30mm Salsa clamps on both my DN6 and 853 Inbreds. On the DN6 there’s a good 4mm plus gap between the ends of the clamp when done up, on the 853 with the clamp done up to the same torque the ends of the clamp are almost touching (swapping posts/clamps shows the same).

    I’ve been riding the 853 like this hard for well over a year (and I’m pretty weighty)without issue, so it’s probably not a problem, but I just wondered why this should be, would the 853 seattube have slightly thinner walls than the DN6? Would I be better off going with a 29.8mm clamps as specced?

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Hope silver Q/R from my old Inbred 853 should you want one secondhand.
    Thought I’d let ya know.

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