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  • 575 and Pace RC41 fighters
  • dougieb
    Free Member

    I’m toying with the idea of replacing the RS Revelations on my 06 575 for something with a little more travel. Currently it’s a toss up between some pikes or a set of Pace RC41 fighters. Problem is I can’t make up my mind. The revs have been very reliable and easy to service so the pikes do appeal. However, is it worth the effort upgrading my front hub to a 20mm just for 10mm extra travel and a little extra stiffness? The fighters would be a little more travel but not as robust as the pikes. I wouldn’t need to upgrade my hub but I’m a bit worried about having a 150mm QR fork? Does anybody have any experience of running a set of fighters on a 575 ? If so what did you find them? Reliability appears to be an issue. Thanks

    Free Member

    IMO the 20mm front axle is more of a performance upgrade than the extra 10mm of travel; that and the extra stiffness all round of the Pike in particular. I really doubt you’d notice the extra travel but the stiffness of the fork is quite noticeable, especially if you ride hard. But whether that is enough to justify the extra expense is up to you.
    I managed to get £270 on eBay for my RS Revelations with Push upgrade, but these were only about 6 months old. You can always off set the cost of the new fork against the ebay price.
    Having had and broken one set of Pace (as they were then) forks I wouldn’t have another set but I am a heavy rider and have a habit of breaking things. Plus since Pace were bought by DT I imagine the quality of their manufacturing has gone up.
    Having said that, if you bought the Pikes from TF you have cast iron warranty and after sales support close at hand.

    Free Member

    Main advantage of the Pace is the light weight. If you don’t care about that then save some money, if I were you. I personally love Pace forks tho.

    Free Member

    I love mine
    No trouble at all, I’ve had them around 18 months

    Free Member

    A friend has the Pace forks on his Mojo and has used them in the Alps and stuff with no problems and he’s hardly a light rider – tends to smash into stuff and get the inevitable double snake bites. He’d say he was maximising his suspension by going over the rocks rather than flouncing round them.

    Full Member

    I had some RC40 fighters on my Enduro for a while, really liked them but eventually wanted something a bit more chunky.
    But while I had them they worked really well, you could always get the 20mm bolt through version of the Paces.

    Free Member

    ‘A little extra stiffness’


    How little you know. 😆

    Free Member

    ‘A little extra stiffness’


    How little you know. 😆

    Free Member

    Thanks guys – I guess I’m leaning towards the pikes. Will have a look around on the classifieds to see what is being offered.

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