Home Forums Bike Forum 50m of Cable outer; anyone know any places?

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  • 50m of Cable outer; anyone know any places?
  • wrecker
    Free Member

    Anyone know where I can buy decent quality gear outer/housing for a reasonable price please? I have found some Shimano SP41 for less than £50, is that likely to be the best I’ll get?
    Managed to pick up 100 gear cables for a very reasonable price but struggling with outer.

    Now parker international are gone, has anyone stepped into their space?

    Free Member

    Why don’t you open an account at Madison?

    Free Member

    I’m not a bike shop! I do plenty of work on mates bikes, and get through a bit of this stuff, and for the prices it seems mad not to!
    100 end caps for £4.60, 100 ferrules for £7.80 etc.
    It’s stuff that I always go to the LBS for, and pay quite a lot more for.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Bike-discount.de has SP41 rolls and packs of cable ends. Make sure you get the ‘sealed’ type end caps, the non-sealed ones are rubbish.

    Free Member

    Cheers STATO, the bike discount stuff is in my basket. I was just wondering if there was anything else out there. Is the SP41 regarded as pretty good? I quite like the Jagwire stuff (I can get that for £65, just not sure if it’s worth more).
    The unsealed end caps are £0.08/unit, the sealed ones £0.21/unit! Just for that little plastic ring in the end?

    Free Member

    I really like SP41 and the good jagwire stuff. The sealed ends are more expensive but do a good job IME, the ones with the tounge are great if you can use them. After many years of buying cheap kits as and when i needed them i splurged on the SP41 roll and it has proven well worthwhile and a lot cheaper overall.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sorry, over speedy typing as should be working. Tongue, should probably have said nose but its what ive always known them as.


    Free Member

    Right. I’ll get a few for my own bike I think. Thanks.

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