Home Forums Bike Forum 456 disc brake removal help

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  • 456 disc brake removal help
  • ackie
    Free Member

    Excuse the numpty question but although I feel reasonably knowledgeable about bike repair, disc brakes have always eluded me.

    I am stripping down a On-One 456 (red version) frame and the all of the cable routing is closed.
    When removing the rear (Shimano) disc brake it means you have to remove either the caliper or the brake lever from the hose to remove the brake.
    Which I assume means re-bleeding the brakes…?

    What is the most hassle free way of doing this (i’d rather not take it to a bike shop)?



    Full Member

    I had the same issue. I opted for draining the fluid from the brake and removing the hose from the lever.

    However I found the nut on the end would not fit through the cable routing guides. I ended up having to cut the hose about 2 cm from the lever end and buy a new Shimano hose Olive kit (about £2), re-assemble with the new bits and then re-bleed on the new bike.

    Free Member

    Sorry am I missing something here? are you saying that the disc hose runs inside the frame? Didn’t think RED 456’s were ‘klien’ like!

    If so, you will have to disconnect a component. On a shimano take hose off from the lever end. When reassembling you should really get a new ‘olive’ to ensure no leaks. You will also need the Shimano specific bleed kit & oil (do not use DOT4).

    CRC sell these things;



    On a Normal routed frame (most 456’s) you would take the caliper and lever off still connected, just by cutting the zip ties holding the hose to the frame.

    On the bleeding operation, just do a google on it..

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Sorry am I missing something here? are you saying that the disc hose runs inside the frame? Didn’t think RED 456’s were ‘klien’ like!

    The cable routings are external but are small closed cyclinders. So no other way to get the brake off other than to remove either the lever or caliper.

    Oh well I will have to take the plunge and buy all the bleedin’ brake gubbins!
    Thanks for your advice.

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