Home Forums Chat Forum £400 for a 10 year old Xmas pressie iPad 2 or lap top?

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  • £400 for a 10 year old Xmas pressie iPad 2 or lap top?
  • prezet
    Free Member

    On the laptop theme, she wants a netbook, but I’m standing firm on this one and getting a laptop. Am I right in doing do, or would a netbook be fine. She not a gamer, but it will be used for schoolwork

    Laptop has more screen ‘real estate’ and can take more memory/bigger hard drives/faster processor. A compact 13″ laptop should be a good compromise between performance and portability.

    Might as well get her a 13″ MacBook Pro to go with the iPad. 😛 😉

    Free Member

    Sounds like you are gonna get the iPad, and probably had that in mind all the time….?

    I bet he had already bought the iPad before starting the thread 😉

    Free Member

    Laptop has more screen ‘real estate’

    More WHAT?

    Full Member

    Surely a 10 year old is going to have more fun with an ipad, a laptop may be needed in two or three years but by then whatever you get now will be history. I vote ipad.

    Free Member

    More WHAT?

    Bigger screen 🙄

    Free Member

    This is a slightly different view.

    I got an iPad half price through work and it’s a “share” between me and my son (well, until I got a FREE iPad2 through work 😀 ).

    Anyway, he used it a lot last couple of weeks (games and stuff) and has been getting really bad headaches. Had to come home from school one day and leave his sports club early another.

    Not sure if a laptop will be any better, but limited use is probably a good idea.

    Free Member

    My mistake, I thought it might have been somewhere to build a condo!

    *runs off looking for the business wankerspeak thread*

    Free Member

    Well, a bigger screen doesn’t always indicate more ‘space’ as it comes down to the resolution a screen can handle… the 11″ Macbook Air has more ‘space’ than the 13″ Macbook Pro, while being a physically smaller display.

    Free Member

    If you think £400 is too much to spend on a 10 year old, then you could always go for a 40 year old Whisky, which Aldi are doing for £50. Should help them sleep well after the excitement of Christmas day.


    Free Member

    Jesus, £400?! For a 10 year old?! Mind you, if it were for a learning device like a laptop then I kind of think that’s fair, computers are invaluable tools.

    I thought I was the luckiest kid alive when I got a bike frame and only had to buy the bits to build it myself.

    Our 11 yr old will be having around £650 spent on her in total. So what, its a couple of days wages. It’s all relative.

    Free Member

    Our 11 yr old will be having around £650 spent on her in total. So what, its a couple of days wages. It’s all relative.

    Do you want to be my new dad?

    In return I will mow the lawn once a month and possibly clean the car, but only if you give me the money up front.

    What? No?

    Oh your so unfair!

    *storms out of thread and slams bedroom door*

    Free Member

    each to their own but an ipad for a 10 year old is fekin ridiculous.

    whats she having for her 18th, a house?

    sorry just my view,

    Dad of an 18month old girl, i have it all to come dont i!? 🙄

    Free Member

    *storms out of thread and slams bedroom door*

    *Offers Jamie an orange*

    Free Member

    Dad of an 18month old girl, i have it all to come dont i!?

    What? People judging you for how you bring up your children?

    Free Member

    Approx 1987, Age 10, ZX Spectrum +3, $249, equivalent value now is $491
    Approx 1990, Age 13, Commodore Amiga A500, approx $370, equivalent now $588

    Tosh, where on earth did you get those comparisons from?

    In 1987 I was earning about £7k pa, an equivilent role now would be £25 to £30k – so £250 is approximately £1000.

    And £400 for 10 year-old, so what – its the posters’ money to spend.

    For comparison my youngest at 10 got a new Norco B-Line FS.

    Free Member

    Our 11 yr old will be having around £650 spent on her in total. So what, its a couple of days wages. It’s all relative.

    Nice way to teach a child the value of money that, plus a bit of willy waving in one post.

    Well done you.

    Free Member

    whats she having for her 18th, a house?

    I waited until my daughter was 20 before we bought her that – don’t want to spoil her

    Free Member

    Oh and back on topic…

    Just bought a Lenovo x121e which is a great small laptop. HP Pavilion dm1 also is recommended – both £350

    Free Member

    Why is everyone so concerned about how much other people spend on the people they love?

    Half these posts scream of jealousy or hypocrisy.

    If someone can afford something and wants to do it then so what?

    As for the OP it depends what chord your trying to strike. If its more of a toy / entertainment then Ipad.
    If you want it to be more for work / education then a laptop.

    Free Member

    Laptop. More flexible.
    Got my first PC when I was 9, top spec. Best thing ever.

    What’s money for, anyway? I live to love. Far better to spend money on something really useful for someone you love than to… well… not. <well thought out post of the week>

    If you really want an iPad, buy one for the coffee table. Seems to be the fashion.

    Free Member

    i’d go iPad myself for a 10year old will be perfect get games on it and learning ones too she gets FaceTime to speak to you or Skype if she gets the app its an apple product if you pay £400 for a laptop she won’t have as much fun with it the iPad is a lot more portable and you don’t have to pay for any antivirus soft wear etc besides a laptop in the car is a pain when traveling 🙂

    Free Member

    You do realise that if you keep giving money to Apple they’re going to build a Terminator, right?

    Free Member

    I’d go for a laptop it is more versatile and use for things like school work. I also like Dell I’ve had a few over the years and by and large they’ve been excellent there are so many good deals around right now I’m sure you’ll find something good.

    As for the money aspect good on you, she sounds a sensible lass worth spoling a little!

    Free Member

    @Scuzz thats why i am happy to keep giving money to apple cause when the terminator comes i can say oi back off i helped build you

    Full Member

    The most valuable thing you can give your child is your time.

    Far too many people don’t and possessions, not matter how expensive, will never make up for that.

    Mum of two adult kids who were not indulged

    Free Member

    flow – Member

    Our 11 yr old will be having around £650 spent on her in total. So what, its a couple of days wages. It’s all relative.

    Nice way to teach a child the value of money that, plus a bit of willy waving in one post.

    Well done you.
    How’s that willy waving?

    Free Member

    The most valuable thing you can give your child is your time.

    Maybe the OP does but also has the financial means to treat them as well.

    Free Member

    Got a netbook for my 10 year old, was rarly used (screen too small!).

    Age 11 coming up 12 I was all for getting a proper laptop, more versitle, homework for ‘big’ school etc. But she never took the bait for laptop hints so went for an iPad V1 in the sales – reward for hard worrk being top of class at school.

    The novelty wore off and there was a couple of months I didn’t see it but a year later I find it is in a different place every day. Gets regular facebook, games, wikipedia use.

    This year she needs MS Office and quiet time for homework and is now the one dropping hints about laptops.

    Free Member

    save your cash and send her to my daughters school, every kid has just been given an ipad.

    Free Member

    Half these posts scream of jealousy or hypocrisy.

    And the other half whisper…oh so quietly…I’m loaded, I am. 🙂

    Nice way to teach a child the value of money that, plus a bit of willy waving in one post. Well done you.

    Yeah, intentionally antagonistic to wind up the likes of you, but there was a point to it.

    The point being, its all relative – if I were a millionaire, then the amount would possibly be much more, if I earned £300 a week, it would no doubt be considerably less. I can’t really understand some people setting limits based on their own expenditure and frothing at the mouth when anyone dares exceed that.

    As for you initial comment, I’ve no idea what the amount I spend on my daughter at Christmas has got to do with teaching her the value of money. She’s sold some of her other stuff to fund new stuff, she had to earn pocket money and understands she can’t always have what she wants. The laptop is a neccessity and she knows she’s getting it – Mrs STR will use it too. A tv for her bedroom is a surprise and the Mrs always likes to get her other stuff to make a nice pile under the tree. I used to get more off my grandparents than my parents, but that doesn’t happen for our daughter.

    Personally I think the ‘value of money’ is a load of old horseshit anyway. I had sod all as a child and saved diligently for anything I wanted. As soon as I had disposable income all that went out of the window anyway. Money’s for spending anyway. Having tight parents never made me respect them any more.

    Full Member

    If she has access to a laptop or desktop go for the iPad, if not go for the laptop this year and the iPad next. iPads no longer need to sync with a computer but you still need it to rip music and DVDs.
    On the issue of how much to spend on kids at Christmas you should spend as much as possible. It’s what the baby Jesus would want. And for teaching kids the value of money, start lending them money at a variable rate of interest.

    Full Member

    I don’t have kids. If I did, and I could afford to, I would spend as much as I wanted to on gifts for them. Similar background to OP for me, and I can’t see why people have a problem with it other than through envy.
    I’d go for a netbook, something like an Acer Aspire for a couple of hundred, will do pretty much everything I’d imagine a 10 year old will want to do and its smaller size will probably be easier for her to maniputalt.

    Free Member

    my 4 year old would love a pair of fox 36, s=which she can keep on my bike and the 1 year old younger brother will love the box.

    Free Member

    Similar background to OP for me, and I can’t see why people have a problem with it

    Entitlement. Have you ever heard of the idea of ‘spoiling’ a child?

    Free Member

    I’d go for the laptop – schools are using pc based systems still.

    Ring her school to find out.

    But get a light one for her to carry around.

    Insure it.

    Free Member

    Have you ever heard of the idea of ‘spoiling’ a child?

    Some people just like to wave willies through their children though I guess.

    I always recall as a little kid – when we were sledging on old fertiliser bags filled with snow, or on the old sledge that my dad’s dad made for him when he was a child – my best friend would appear on a proper skidoo type sit on sledge with steering and everything. He got a new bike every year. He always got many more presents than anyone else.

    Even though he grew up to hate his parents (when he was a teenager) and treated them like doormats, got into trouble with the police, treated girlfriends like playthings, his dad set him up with a business which he failed with.

    Fortunately in later life he is redeeming himself and now has a lovely family, but for all the things he was given by his parents it never seemed to matter to him.

    For me – yes I got into some minor troubles as a kid but always loved my mum and dad deeply, was always proud to be with them, always rang them up during the week and went round regularly for Sunday dinners. I also count my younger brother as my best friend (which again I think is a testament to how I was brought up).

    I have no idea if that is simply the inherent difference between me and my old school friend or the way in which I was brought up and taught to appreciate the things I had and to respect people around me.

    Full Member

    When I grow up I want to be just like mastiles 😀

    Free Member

    Why is everyone so concerned about how much other people spend on the people they love?

    Half these posts scream of jealousy or hypocrisy.

    ^^^^^^So much this

    Laptop, 10yo’s will be doing the social media thing and keyboards>>>>>screens

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