I didn’t take it as a personal attack, but i’ll explain… The present is between me and the estranged ex, she’s on £60K a year and I’m on £40k a year, so £200 each is fortunately affordable. We both had childhoods where we got sweet FA because she had tight fisted parents and mine were skint, so we both want our child to have nicer things in life now that we can afford to. I lost my job in august and have had to sell some bikes off to tide me through christmas but as pointed out by other nobody has questioned me in the last twelve months when I’ve spend £15k on mountain bikes…
she’s extremely intelligent, very low maintenance and way ahead of her years and never expects stuff, she’s willing to earn it and don’t moan if she doesn’t get. She’s very adept on a pc/mac and looks after her personal belongings. The ex and her have two dogs and two horses, she handles them all, feeds them, trains them and takes her responsibilities seriously.
I have no issues with giving her an iPad as I know it will be fine, the reason for putting this post up was to merely find out if a lap top is a better alternative to an iPad. So far a dodgy Dell website that can’t get me to the good deal offered and a Sony netbook sized lap top have been suggested but please feel free to carry on discussing what I came on here for…