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  • 3-in-1, GT85, WD40
  • Gordy
    Free Member

    I'm away for Xmas and I've had to clean up the bike completely because I had it in the bike rack and it got plastered with road grit. I stupidly forgot lube etc. and the local bike shop is shut so I only have 3-in-1 oil, GT85 and WD40 available.

    I'm thinking GT85'll be the best bet to get me through a few quick 1-2 hour blasts in the forest.

    Would you go along with that or would you use one of the others?

    Free Member

    3 in 1. others aren't designed to lubricate.

    Free Member

    Surely it'd offer *some* protection though. The 3-in-1 honestly looks like it'll just pick up a load of grit and turn into paste.

    Full Member

    WD40 is the worst, (just a water displacement, not lube) I would use GT85 to get things moving, then 3in1 as a lube, but use sparingly. The GT85 has Teflon in it which will help.

    Free Member

    Of the three I'd go for the 3-in-1, and I'd wouldn't touch GT85 with a barge-pole. I can never understand why people get their bikes out of the car , plaster everything in sight with GT85 and expect that its going to make up for weeks of neglect/lack of maintenance.

    Free Member

    nah gt85 won't give any protection…not that that is what you are aiming for here anyway. apply the 3in1 and cycle the drivechain about 20 or so times and then wipe all excess oil off and you should be fine.

    Free Member

    > can never understand why people get their bikes out of the car , plaster everything in sight with GT85 and expect that its going to make up for weeks of neglect/lack of maintenance.

    I can only assume it's because they're stupid. :mrgreen:

    Very sparing use of 3-in-1 makes sense I suppose. It'll get me through until Tuesday when the bike shop opens again.

    Cheers, folks.

    Full Member

    Halfords Dumfries is open Monday – get some bike lube ! 😆

    Free Member

    is this just for the chain?

    I've used supermarket multi-oil (own brand 3 in 1) on my bikes chains for years, but I kind of mix it with GT85/WD40.
    the application is quite important tho, so with the straw attached, spray the chain at the cassette while turning the cranks backwards for 3 full revolutions – then do the same with the straw pointing to the inside of the chain (above the top jockey wheel works best) it should be soaked now so next grab the chain (below the chainstay) tightly with an old towel in your hand and backpedal the cranks a few times leaving it dryish, next drip the multi oil/3in1 onto the chain whilst backpeddaling the crank, leave it for a minute or so to mix with the GT/WD residue then repeat what you did with the towel leaving the chain quite dry.

    it doesn't really matter whether you do the 3in1 or the GT85 first

    FWIW I prefer this to any bike specific chain lube, no matterr what the weather.

    Free Member

    Yep GW, i use the same method but let the GT85 dry before adding the lube (finishline green) and wipe off excess.
    So GT85 for cleaning and oil for lubing, although i think its much more important to have a clean chain than a well lubed chain.

    Free Member

    I always use 3 in 1 on my bikes and wipe off the excess with a rag, been doing it for years, replacing chains at the right time and never needing to buy cassettes. The price of bike specific lubes scares my wallet.

    I have used veg oil on chains many times when I ran out of 3 in 1.

    Free Member

    You need a penetrating oil 3 in 1 is to thick.

    Full Member

    GW, I use a similar method. My logic is that I use WD40 as a degreaser (ie disolves all the paste in the chain.) I then let it dry and then apply proper lube just before next ride.

    Obviously finishline degreaser would remove this paste better, but I am always worried about leaving a bit of degreaser inside the chain. You only need a tiny bit to completely mess up the surface tension properties of the lube.

    Free Member

    @Grantway: I think you've rather missed my point. ;O)

    Interesting about the vegetable oil, Rob. I was thinking about olive oil.

    Full Member

    I only ever use GT85! I ride off road everyday all year round to work and the current chain has been on for around 8 months and I should get another couple of years out of it going by the last one.

    I knew there was a reason I went with hub gearing.

    Free Member

    Gordy, it was out of desperation/laziness but i'm convinced any lubrication is better than none.

    Free Member

    hmm never thought of any of that in all years of riding 😕 then again my drivetrains never last longer than 6 months.

    just always lubed up before riding,mix of gt85 maybe then finishline,never clean or hardley ever claen chain etc..

    Full Member

    Remove brake pads, clean around pistons, spray with gt/tst/wd to remove all salt deposits. Or a bucket of soapy water and rinse with a clean wash.
    Mate had to replace both calipers last year after a similar episode.

    There is a Tesco in Castle Douglas, that will be open.

    Free Member

    GT isn't a great lube it's too light but, applied with the straw, it is great for releasing crap and water out of things, and for putting a repellant finish on your frame.

    My usual wipe and oil chain-care has failed, it's been really horrid trail conditions leading to seizing and snappage! Just soaked and scrubbed it in white spirit, then wiped and fully soaked in oil, then really thoroughly wiped off all excess. Will get some lubrication back inside the pins.

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