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  • 2cv owners?
  • maxlite
    Free Member

    Amazing cars, we’ve had 3…people don’t think, you really have to DRIVE them, think ahead and wind up what power you have, plus be confident on corners….it’s a drivers car

    Lovely when its sunny and brilliant in snow.

    But a bugger to start when its wet.

    Traded last one in for a Renault 5 turbo, dealers face was a picture

    Free Member

    Silly but fun cars, mates had them, when I had Beetles.
    You could turn it into one of these:


    Full Member

    A friend of mine races them, does 24hr events in them. They look great from afar, but get close and you can see all of them are bodged together with odds and sods.
    Oh, and they don’t go very fast. The minis run rings around them, and then go bang. The 2CVs go for a lot longer before going bang.

    Free Member

    They’re great to drive – if you drive from Fréjus to St Tropez on a sunny day in September. Further or in the rain isn’t much fun.

    They’re really easy to work on – just as well as you’ll spend a lot of time working on it.

    They’re slow and inspire cautious driving – make a mistake (or get involved in someone else’s mistake) and it will hurt a lot.

    They’re economical even by today’s standards.

    They’re less ecologically unfriendly than running a new car that will probably consume more petrol.

    No depreciation if you look after it.

    I prefer Citroën’s bigger cars. If I buy one it will either be a late model Traction or a C6 which go for 2CV money at five years old.

    Free Member

    This is actually a Citroen body on a VW Beetle floorpan.
    Yeah I know great isn’t it? 😉

    Full Member

    I always wanted one till i saw this


    Sorry to spoil the party

    Free Member

    Apparently the original design specification for the suspension was that it had to be able to drive across a ploughed field with a basket of of eggs on the back seat without any breaking. I’d like to see a modern supermini do that.

    Free Member

    Take it off road!

    Free Member

    My folks had a few. I learnt to drive in one.

    Amazing car with very trick suspension. Body roll is hilarious but I’ve tried to roll one but failed. Got it up on two wheels tho! Surprisingly quick on the bends

    I snapped the chassis by consistently getting airborne off a local bridge. That’s the weak link. Plus the cardboard air ducts need to be removed otherwise they can catch on fire.

    But that’s it. I really want one but the reality is any form of crash with any other (overweight) modern car will end things for you.

    Free Member

    Puddle Jumpers….
    I have grim memories of these with me sitting in the back as a kid with the folks smoking like troopers in the front and the bloody thing rolling around like mad…. God I used to get so car sick.

    Might have to get one just to piss the kids off.

    Free Member

    I am trying to buy a Citroen Mehari. A 2cv but without all the sturdy bodywork. Now hugely expensive. Used to be able to pick them up for £500 or whatever currency applied. Should have done it then but we all know that now and we didn’t have the money then which is why they are so expensive now.

    Free Member

    I second the call for a Renault 4.

    Increasingly rare too

    Free Member

    The memories, looking at that R4 reminded me that I also owned a 1st gen R5, the one with the gear stick in the dash & the pram roof.

    You’ve got me on the hunt now you buggers. ..

    Free Member

    That Renault 4 brought back memories, used to go all over the North on climbing trips in one of those. Crude but reliable, went anywhere it was asked to go.

    Full Member

    My folks had one in late 70s/early 80s. A cream Dianne.
    My dad purchased it off the bassist from the Small Faces, Ronnie Laine. It even features on the back cover of his LP in what looks like a farm/ hippy camp in the Soith Downs.

    It got replaced by a white Talbot Horizon-mmm.

    I remember seeing the road flashing by between my feet through a hole in the floor.
    I also recall my dad spinning round to grab (save!) my nan as she fell through the malfunctioning door on the Archway roundabout in Laaandon.

    Full Member

    iPhone double up

    Free Member

    I did about 70,000 miles in mine.

    They are brilliant.

    Full Member


    There’s a lovely white 4l for sale on the Renault 4 forum.

    Full Member

    Mates sister bought a 2CV. Bad move for someone living in Glenelg and working on the other side of the hill 🙂
    350M ascent in about 3 miles

    It was a long slog in first gear.

    Full Member

    They are the epitome of car design – nicer to drive than a Beetle and easier to work on than a Mini.

    Will transport 4 people wherever they want to go in a state of cheerfulness.
    You don’t need to go any faster.
    You can see out.
    You actually have a relationship with the vehicle.
    They are amazing fun to drive.
    They have superb handling and roadholding (despite what Clarkson has ‘taught’ you) – which is different to grip.
    They are a bit dangerous, a 4 wheeled motorbike basically – which is good, as it stops you driving like a **** – you are part of the journey – your actions have consequenses for you and those you love.
    Bauhaus meets Art Deco.
    Easy to mend.
    Had a Meccano set? Can fix a bike? – Never pay garage bills again.
    You can tune them.
    Full length sunroof as standard.
    The more battered they are the better they look.
    Proof that arseholes who automatically sneer at anything French are in fact, immature, anally retentive psychopaths who should have been castrated at puberty.
    They work perfectly as a personality test – I tend to like people who like Citroens. The miserable, snobbish, vain, legs welded together, don’t buy a round, insecure remainder of humanity can piss off and enjoy their BMW’s.


    Free Member

    They work perfectly as a personality test – I tend to like people who like Citroens.

    Oh yes. 😀

    Free Member

    My first car was a Dyane 6 8)

    Free Member

    My Citroen History

    Dyane FAB
    2cv not as nice as Dyane
    GS X3 Amazing just amazing
    CX The Best spaceship
    Visa bit dull
    Xantia better than a BM*
    BX light surfboard

    Full Member

    I had an AX 1.1 (echo?) – fantastic little tin can.

    Mate had an AX GT – scared the sh** out of me.

    Older mate had a 2CV, 3 of us standing up could bunny-hop it; I know – without pictures it didn’t happen 🙂

    Full Member

    My Citroen ownership has been pretty large too!

    GS Estate
    Gsa Estate x 2 of
    Citroen CX estate, prestige, and Turbo 2 Plus normal saloon that had been owned by Roger Moore
    Citroen AX Echo
    Lomax Built with my Dad
    Citroen Visas x 2 with 650cc engines (best car ever)
    Citroen Visa with 1.1 Boring
    Citroen Visa with 1.9Turbo Diesel (scariest car ever)
    Citroen Xantia
    Citroen Dyane (best looking)
    Ami Super (converted it into a Sidewinder (2CV body on top, that was rapid too)
    Ami estate
    2CV with full racing Engine went very well!
    4 or 5 Citroen BX’s over the years

    All in all quite a few over the years then!

    Free Member

    Confession time, I did the annual 24hr race in Ireland for 2CV’s in 1996, bloody brilliant fun, after 3 stints of 3 hours in the car you become so sensitive to it you could even feel it accelerating!

    Qualified 4th out of 36 cars and manged to be placed in every position but first thru the race, loosing a couple of hours with mechanical problems and finishing 9th.

    We did change a set of fronts after 20 hours which I thought was a big improvement on any other racing car!

    Still giggle thinking back on the event, only time I’ve been a ‘pay driver’.

    Not so sure I’d recommend one though…….

    Full Member

    dont forget to check the oil and it will run forever .

    Full Member

    Will transport 4 people wherever they want to go in a state of cheerfulness.
    You don’t need to go any faster.
    You can see out.
    You actually have a relationship with the vehicle.
    They are amazing fun to drive.
    They have superb handling and roadholding (despite what Clarkson has ‘taught’ you) – which is different to grip.
    They are a bit dangerous, a 4 wheeled motorbike basically – which is good, as it stops you driving like a **** – you are part of the journey – your actions have consequenses for you and those you love.
    Bauhaus meets Art Deco.
    Easy to mend.
    Had a Meccano set? Can fix a bike? – Never pay garage bills again.
    You can tune them.
    Full length sunroof as standard.
    The more battered they are the better they look.
    Proof that arseholes who automatically sneer at anything French are in fact, immature, anally retentive psychopaths who should have been castrated at puberty.
    They work perfectly as a personality test – I tend to like people who like Citroens. The miserable, snobbish, vain, legs welded together, don’t buy a round, insecure remainder of humanity can piss off and enjoy their BMW’s.

    Ta. 😆
    Love it, especially the bit in bold. I wouldn’t argue about anything wot you rote there, rusty.

    Free Member


    I tried to convince MissStripes to sell the Twingo, but it ‘aint happening.

    I’d buy that in a second!

    Free Member

    I used to have a Renault 4 F6 van and it was simply brilliant.

    pepper loving the Gordini wheels on your 4 😆

    Older French cars were great, my old Bx 19 was the coolest car, it was just so different inside to anything else. All the controlls were switches no stalks. Now French cars just seem like all the rest.

    Full Member

    I’m toying with putting the engine in out of the Gordini too. 😉

    Free Member

    They are a bit dangerous, a 4 wheeled motorbike basically – which is good, as it stops you driving like a **** – you are part of the journey – your actions have consequenses for you and those you love.

    The problem is other people’s actions.. they also have consequences….

    Free Member

    Molgrips is Ernest moss…

    Full Member

    The problem is other people’s actions.. they also have consequences….

    Of course.
    Everyone makes their own decisions about things like this.
    Same with carrying a kid on a bike or in a trailer, riding on the road, carrying a pillion on a motorbike etc etc.

    The sensible solution, which will be implemented as soon the British population see sense and elect me Life President, will be to ban all cars EXCEPT the 2CV.

    Free Member

    Nah not really, just know too many people who’ve been wiped out in car crashes.

    Full Member

    I’ve posted this link in other threads, but I love Ollie Erkkila’s site – Linky.[/url]

    He makes real cars, bikes and motorbikes, but I like his digital 2CV images best:

    Full Member

    Molgrips understands Dr Buskers Health and safety too!


    Full Member

    That de-fendered 2CV looks awesome.

    Had a Charleston years ago. Bombproof. Surprisingly fun to drive (it was my first non-mini after 6 of those). Properly looked after would run forever – did Peterborough to Inverness non-stop (other than petrol) in mine with my foot on the floor pretty much the whole way for most of the journey (mine would JUST about do 80 flat out).

    Free Member

    I love 2Cv’s and Dyanes – there is lots of really clever design in the cars and they are great fun to drive. The best car I’ve ever owned was a (this is one for the Citroen nerds!) Dyane body on and Ami Super chassis, with a 1300 GSA engine and 5 speed box with lowered stiffened suspension – it was a real street sleeper and handled brilliantly! I’ve also had a 4×4 Dyane (more ground clearance and travel than a Landy and still under 700kgs) and a couple of race cars – the 24 hour race is amazing.

    My mate is currently developing a kit to put a BMW bike engine in them…


    PS I realise it’s not the most exciting video in the world if you don’t like 2CVs!

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