Resisted for as long as I could, but finally gave in when I realised I could stack these two codes with the HEL20 code for an extra 20% off Helmets, and ended up with a Troy Lee D3 Carbon for £155, reduced from £430
These codes are the only reason I’m putting up with their shoddy website, cheers OP and others.
I gave up in the end. Was just tooling about looking for something I might want, but after being logged out for nth time, feeling like I was browsing through treacle, and several blank product page I just gave up.
…as it goes I think the £12 off £60 has ended, and been replaced with £15 off £99, JULY15, which doesn’t stack with the mystery codes.
Wish I hadn’t have spent £85 yesterday now. Gave away my mystery voucher 3 weeks ago too. Suppose I’ll get another voucher with my latest order and feel the need to spend more money to save £5.