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  • 100 Day Challenge 2024 – Exercise every day til Christmas
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    Day 6: A couple of hours walking by the canal and through town, dodging rain showers.

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    PXL_20240921_093222440Mrs 100th did a breeze MacMillan ride so I drive her there then pedalled back the hard way. 1000m climb in 32km even the golferists seemed cheery as I rode across the course.

    Heading to the tops of duchess drive on the xc bike.

    Full Member

    Glenlivet Bike Trails for me today – lap of the blue to warm up (and make space for lunch), and then out round the red route. I still like their ‘ribbon of singletrack’ approach to trail building in preference to a lot of the flow trails that are currently in vogue.


    Full Member

    Day one of FOD. Only had an hour to ride so a quick 9 miles to the nearest thing to the cottage that looked like it might be a trail. It was, epic fun, love this place.


    Full Member

    Cricket for me today…I even scored some runs ?

    Full Member

    Skatepark with the kids this morning

    Full Member

    Couple of reasonably steady gym visits the last couple of days.

    Full Member

    Day #6 – turbo ride using TrainerDay 1 hour at 176w,  mowed the lawn 2.5 km in an hour (grass was quite long) and lastly physio exercises for 31 minutes. Done.

    Full Member

    Mostly getting my exercise from walking at the moment.
    Guessed the wrong turn in ‘where has the contractor been working’ on one site and went to the opposite end of the block before heading back.
    Today has been a couple of loops of the forestry show, which was a fair bit more than half an hour looking at shiny machines. Not enough time to have a go at the pole climbing, that looked like half an hours exercise in 2 minutes.

    Free Member

    Day 6 – 7 mile run. meant to be quicker than it was, but struggling with a tight calf this week….

    Full Member

    Started this from a not ideal point of re-habing a painful elbow (tendonitis) which means no riding of proper bikes for 2-3 weeks. Instead headed out with my wife on the hilly 5k dog walk every day, reinserting myself into the “Zwiftiverse” (turbo and treadmill) and ransacking the YT vault of saved Yoga and Pilates Vid.

    Easy to get 30 mins in at home, a bit trickier when in the world’s smallest hotel room in Dublin earlier this week. Same for London next week.

    Really I want to get into daily or at least bi-daily 30 min stretch/pilates/yoga. But I know I just won’t do it, so when it’ gets really dark and horrible, I’ll join the local Gym just for those classes. Not sure I’ll make the 100, but wasn’t sure I’d make a week so we’ll see how it goes.

    Full Member

    Day #7 early update today. 3.04 km pool swim in 65 min, bit slow tbh but I was knackered when I started. But no cramps so that’s good. Not doing anything else remotely sporty today.

    Full Member

    Another early morning run, third consecutive day which is unusual for me. Followed by an hour of weights and body weight training.
    I’m planning to take it easy for the rest of the day and enjoy watching the football with a beer or two this afternoon.

    Full Member

    Day 7 greno woods. Just up down Steel City but that’s a week out of the way!

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    Nice chilled equinox ride this morning

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    Legs are hanging after a ride up the non easy side of our local volcano.

    Off to give blood, although I’m not sure it’ll flow.PXL_20240922_101337120

    Full Member

    Steady 31 mins on the treadmill today.

    Full Member

    Heavy gym session this morning (deadlifts etc) and now just back from a swim. Getting faster since Covid tried to destroy my lungs.

    Toying with an evening Zwift session but maybe a rest is wise.

    Full Member

    Day 7 – pre-breakfast run. Unfortunately, halfway around my left hammy twanged a bit. So nursed it home through mix of walking and slow running.

    I need to not stretch or stretch some more.

    Next few days are gonna be tough as I’m off on work travels. We’ll see what can be managed.

    Full Member

    Very wet and murky here.

    Rode to Screwfix & back for a vacuum cleaner filter. Adding glamour to the 100 days…..

    Full Member

    First time back on the treadmill since about June. We bought it at the start of the year, used it a lot (wife walked/jogged using BitGym, and I did a couple of the Zwift training progs- cycling to 10k was good) with the plan to run outside once the weather improved.

    Didn’t do a lot of that, then the treadmill decided to partially eat its internals. All fixed now, but first time on some fairly easy hill sprints has me thinking it’s going to be a long 100 days!

    Alternating between turbo and treadmill. Going to be very muddy when I’m back out on a bike but I’d still much rather be outside.

    Full Member

    Day 7 was marshalling the SCX round at Camperdown Park. Thought I’d bag 10k steps but only got to 6k so stopped en route home for a 40min 4k steps stroll round Roslin Glen.

    (As an aside, woke 2hrs early at 4am so feeling like I deserve a medal for the extra stroll after 6hrs on my feet banging and cheering).

    Full Member

    Still on it although today had to be easy day if 30 mins yoga as have spent most of day taking youngest to university.

    that combined with lack of fitness is making me feel very old!

    Free Member

    I missed the start but would be great to join in – has been a couple of years of very limited exercise, and the kids have been calling me ‘spherical’…

    So will aim for Equinox to Solstice rather than the 100 days.

    Started today with 2 laps of Two Bridges Loop on zwift plus a bit extra to take it to 30 min. Also a walk with the youngest to get blackberries, made 10k steps for the day.

    Free Member

    Body weight stuff and tentative and disappointing flirtation with the chinning bar

    Full Member

    Day 6 – walk/swim/walk

    Lovely Lochan na Beinne. Much more peaceful than the better known swimming spots on a holiday weekend


    Cake was involved


    Water was a balmy 13C

    GX010486 - frame at 0m11s

    Then headed out for a hilltop bivvy with Piemonster

    GX010493 - frame at 0m21s

    Full Member

    Day 7 (one week already!!)

    Well, obviously had to come back from the bivvy.

    We spent most of the night in a cloud.

    Fun ride back though, even if it was a wee bit chilly to start with.


    Free Member

    I did my first run in five years yesterday – 30 minutes for just under 6km which seems OK (I know nothing about running). Did it two hours after having kippers though, which was a mistake.

    Full Member

    Day 7 was walking up and down the DH race track all day spectating.

    Day 8 was a strength session in the gym-shed.

    Bit worried about Day 9 as i’ve got to go into the office for a new job and the trains are shut down for track work so I’ll have to drive (1h 30?) and won’t get much of a day at either end of the commute. Normally i’d be able to get a 30-minute walk in between office and station. So unless it’s cool enough to go for a lunch time walk it’s looking tricky.

    Full Member

    I did my first run in five years yesterday

    Be interesting to see how your legs feel tomorrow!

    Full Member

    I was planning to go for a run yesterday evening but after visiting my family in Dunstable , which was in large parts underwater and a scary drive home, where we nearly became a stranded in a flood car family… I managed a bodyweight workout

    Full Member

    Day 7 nearly didn’t happen yesterday, family day out, wife then took over the sitting room so my space was lost, continuous rain outside…

    Eventually got half an hour with Kassandra in when MrsMC went to bed.

    Suspect it might be the same today. Or open water swimming in the garden.

    Full Member

    A very wet dog walk this morning. Our normal 5k route was cut short by the hunt being in the woods, apparently having lost nearly all the hounds :) A lot of very wet waxed jackets and increasingly frustrated huntsmen. Put me in mind of that Alan Partridge meme when he’s calling his dog :)


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    Nearly blobbed yesterday but did a late’ish 35mins on the kids switch ring fit.  139max heart rate and 98 average so definitely working something!

    Full Member

    Filthy session at FOD yesterday. Only had a couple of hours and there was an MTB festival on so would have been rude not to look around – even though it ate into riding time.

    Cleared the last table on the red jump line though. Small victory but a victory none the less.


    Today is going to be rough, been hammering it down all day here. Was going to hit the uplift but honestly it was grim yesterday!

    Free Member

    Having to utilise ‘walking’ on 3 ocassions already but sticking at it, walks i wouldn’t have otherwise done.

    This rain isn’t helping either!

    Full Member

    Pushed for time again tonight, so just managed a 30 minute turbo session.

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    Faffing in the work gym today in a very cba manner.

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    As expected, weather today was grim too too. Thirty minutes of riding in a pure downpour. Fireroads only as the only trail I attempted was a river – wasn’t even a proper mtb trail! Might not have trained the body, but absolutely increased resiliance a notch.

    Saw my first wild boar though, so that improved it a bit.

    Full Member

    Day #8 – 2.44 km pool swim in 48 minutes.
    I’m really quite tired already & it’s only been one week of this.  Swam today even though my garmin watch recommended a rest day. I mean really what do Garmin know.

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