Home Forums Bike Forum 10 speed clutch mech with 9 speed drive chain and 9 speed shifter?

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  • 10 speed clutch mech with 9 speed drive chain and 9 speed shifter?
  • bikingbob
    Free Member

    Hi does anyone have experience using a 10 speed mech with a 9 speed drive chain and 9 speed shifter?
    I’m happy with my 2×9 set up apart from I would prefer a clutch mech and I can’t find 9 speed clutch mechs (I like having small front chain ring to drop to for steep climbs and don’t see need for 10 speed if running 2x).

    Free Member

    There are no 9sp clutch mechs.

    You’ll probably find a mashup works best with SRAM as Shimano changed their cable pull quite noticeably when they went 10sp.

    Cablepull expectation aside, a 10sp clutch mech has no idea how many gears it is allowed to run so long as the chain isn’t too big for the cage and pulleys. The shifter is the important bit as it measures the cable and gives you the click stops.

    Using a 10sp shifter to run 9sp transmission is going to give you a permanent risk of overshifting off the cassette if you forget and click too many times. You can probably work around this with the limit screws and learn not to force the lever (as it will break!)

    There were Frankenstein combos of SRAM 9sp shifter with Shimano 10sp clutch mech talked about on forums back when 2×10 was new, but I think you need to make a little spacer for the mech end of the cable to equalise pulls, and it’s probably only ever going to get as close to ‘right’ as the effort you put in to the mod. If you’re a person that obsesses about clean shifting, you should probably give up and get a 10sp shifter, cassette and mechs. Keeping the 9sp crank is fine if the rings are good.

    Full Member

    9 speed clutch mechs don’t exist..

    yes.. you can get it to work with a bodge.. but you will need a SRAM 9 speed shifter and a shimano 10 speed mech.. and some spacers where the cable clamps to the mech.. (plenty of info if you google it..)

    It’s much easier just to go 10 speed throughout if you want a clutch mech as shimano changed the cable pull and leverage ratios when they went to 10 speed…

    Full Member

    Sorry, but it won’t work. Different pull ratios.

    The 9 speed shifter will pull a certain amount of cable that was designed to move a 9 speed rear mech a certain distance sideways.

    The 10 speed rear mech was designed to move a different distance.I ts only a small difference but as you move from the smallest to the largest sprocket on the cassette the incremental difference will show up as poor shifting.

    There is a bodge of a device that alters the cable pull ratio to make it work, but at the moment the name escapes me.

    Free Member

    just wait till chain/ casette need replacing and go 10. just need shifter/ mech on top of chain casette.

    Full Member

    Cablepull expectation aside, a 10sp clutch mech has no idea how many gears it is allowed to run so long as the chain isn’t too big for the cage and pulleys. The shifter is the important bit as it measures the cable and gives you the click stops.

    thats true in a sense vincienup

    but the leverage ratio on the mech itself changed between 9 and 10 speed..

    7,8,9 mechs are all the same leverage ratio on the mech itself.. so they’re interchangeable

    the 10 speed mountain bike mech is a different ratio.. so wont work..

    ie.. 1mm of cable pulled moves the mech across sideways X mm with 7/8/9
    the same 1mm of cable pull will move the mech a different amount on a 10 speed mech.

    Free Member

    Hm, I tend to roll that up with cable pull expectation in my head, but yep conceded.

    When 10sp was all new and expensive maybe the spacer botch was worthwhile, but the price of sh mechs and shifters now, even with a new cassette you could be running full XT with decent parts for under £100 without looking too hard.

    Full Member

    Just found the bodge doo-dah.

    JTEK Shiftmate 6[/url]

    Available from HERE[/url]

    Full Member

    6mm of spacers/washers where teh cable mounts, on a Shimano 10 speed mech, makes it work absolutely perfectly on a SRAM 9 speed shifter. I’ve heard it can be done with all shimano but I’ve no idea how.

    TBH, it’s not massively useful, clutch mech isn’t that big a deal in general and at this point, 10 speed’s on the decline anyway so transferring to 10 speed in installments probably isn’t as good an idea as it was.

    Full Member

    6mm of spacers/washers where teh cable mounts, on a Shimano 10 speed mech, makes it work absolutely perfectly on a SRAM 9 speed shifter. I’ve heard it can be done with all shimano but I’ve no idea how.

    I think there was another bodge where you drilled a small hole in the cable pull arm of the mech.. and passed the cable through it then clamped it up at the opposite side..?
    (but it only really worked with the plate type deore / slx / zee mechs though i think..) ?

    EDIT: found it..!


    Full Member

    Yeah, not too keen on that though!

    Free Member

    Thanks for all info, maybe just stick with 2×9 for just now, got a 2x chain device to try and so see how I get on with that.

    Full Member

    TBF clutch mechs don’t make that much difference to retention- they just happened to come along at much the same time as chain devices for trailbikes came back into fasgion and narrow/wides for single ring became widespread, and some of that rubbed off on them

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