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  • Lauren Laverne Pretentious Challenge
  • mitsumonkey
    Free Member

    Just listening to L Laverne on 6music and I’m convinced she will read anything out from listeners no matter how pretentious.
    So just for fun I challenge you STWers to get the most pretentious tweets/texts whatever read out on her show! Then post them on here.
    Extra points for pulling in tales of sunrises whilst ‘finding yourselves’ travelling in outer Mongolia or wherever!
    So there it is The Lauren Laverne Pretentious Challenge

    Full Member

    She is off limits OK
    I’ve had thing from the days of Kenickie
    She can be a bit fluffy :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    No I like her, really I do it’s just the pretentious things she reads out.
    Anyway I’ve got one in, fingers crossed it gets read out.

    Free Member

    I take it you’ve never listened to Mary Anne Hobbs?

    Full Member

    I take it you’ve never listened to Mary Anne Hobbs?

    I have but not any more. God she’s annoying.

    Really like lavernne, but I get where you’re going with the pretentious tweets thing

    Free Member

    He shoots he scores!!!
    She just read this out,

    So excited Danny Boyle is coming on the show, it takes me back to the first time I watched trainspotting. I was traveling at the time and in Thailand. I watched it at a special showing on a big screen at the beach late one night, I was that blown away by the film I couldn’t move and stayed to watch the sunrise, it was a beautiful moment where I really found myself and I’m sure it has shaped who I am today.
    Love and peace

    I didn’t think it would be that easy! :lol:

    Free Member

    :D Wondered if it was you.

    Free Member

    bloody brilliant MM!

    Free Member

    Haha, good work!

    Free Member

    1-0 to me then, who’s gonna get the equaliser??

    Free Member

    Brilliant, see if you can get one in a day.

    Full Member

    She is off limits OK
    I’ve had thing from the days of Kenickie

    This. And then this some more…..

    Full Member

    I take it you’ve never listened to Mary Anne Hobbs?

    I’d pay good money to be able to unhear every bit of meaningless drivel she has assaulted my ears and insulted my intelligence with!

    Full Member

    I don’t remember Kenickie really.

    Laverne though, jeezus she’s pretty. (not laverne from Scrubs)

    Free Member

    I’d pay good money to be able to unhear every bit of meaningless drivel she has assaulted my ears and insulted my intelligence with!

    It’s a shame really as I quite like the music she plays of a weekend morning. She’s a post rave generation Philomena Cunk.

    Full Member

    its like all those gits who write into Kermode & Mayo with their over articulate reviews and refer to a film as a ‘piece’

    eff off.

    Full Member

    Well played MM.

    slowpuncheur – Member

    I take it you’ve never listened to Mary Anne Hobbs?

    Take it to the max with her Saturday Classics show, she sounds like a patronising meals on wheels lady.

    Full Member

    Just listening to L Laverne on 6music and I’m convinced she will read anything out from listeners no matter how pretentious.

    Why wouldn’t she, though? It’s all about connecting with the listeners, without discriminating just because the content may be a bit ‘pretentious, moi?’. I doubt you’ll find much different on any other radio station, in fact Radio 1 can be as bad, if not worse; I’m forced to listen to it for much of the day, drives me nuts!

    I don’t remember Kenickie really.
    Laverne though, jeezus she’s pretty. (not laverne from Scrubs)

    I saw Kenickie three times in Bristol, and LaLa was not only stunning, but very funny, in fact the band were, quite possibly, the most fun band I’ve ever seen live.
    They had to break off one tour part-way through to go back and take their A-Level exams!

    Free Member

    may be a bit ‘pretentious

    No, no you misunderstand Count, it’s THE most pretentious thing you can get read out, not a bit pretentious.
    It’s only a bit of fun, is all about the banter!

    Full Member

    Gonna try it for Tuesday extra point for a Robert smith name check?

    Free Member

    Go for it pk13 I’ll be listening :D

    Free Member

    Would have been infinitely better if you’d substituted ‘touched’ for ‘found’

    Full Member

    That’s pretty funny.

    And, yes, we all love Laverne.

    Free Member

    Talks far toooooooo bloody much for my liking!

    Stop babbling woman & play the bloody record!

    Full Member

    I’m a big fan.

    When she talks she always makes it sound like a shag would never be out of the question.

    Not with me, I hasten to add.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    This topic seems to come up quite often – perhaps some of the stw membership should refrain from listening to radio stations which allow women to talk. Isis fm ?

    Lala is lovely. (as is MAH btw).
    I was also lucky to see Kenickie several times, they were brilliant.

    btw “Arse” not aimed at big John btw – aimed at the deleted post.

    Full Member

    senor j – Member
    This topic seems to come up quite often – perhaps some of the stw membership should refrain from listening to radio stations which allow women to talk. Isis fm

    That’s just silly, the Sean keavney threads are more frequent and angry.

    6 music has some great DJs, but they all do tend to talk too much, just play some tunes, half the reason peopke tune in is to avoid adverts
    instead you get some Laverne/ lamo/ Riley/ Matthews/ Garvey pretentious waffle

    Free Member

    Haha, genius.
    I was listening to the show last night and heard her read that out. I snorted at the time thinking what a load of bull. Then just read this.

    Free Member

    Talks far toooooooo bloody much for my liking!
    Stop babbling woman & play the bloody record!

    That’s the point. If you just want music hit an auto playlist on Spotify or AppleMusic (or go to BBC Playlister and feed that into your streaming service of choice). 6Music DJs are smart and know and love the music they play (and are reasonably honest when they’re playing something from the playlist they don’t like).

    Full Member

    What’s more patronising saying you find a female presenter pretentious or that the she is lovely.
    kenickie weren’t all that either

    Full Member

    ^ agree with that 100%. Spotify or similar for music, radio for banter with some music.

    I only discovered radio 6 music for myself this year and I listen to Shaun Keaveney every morning now on my way to work. It’s ace, a bit like Chris Moyles when he was good.

    Full Member

    I only discovered radio 6 music for myself this year and I listen to Shaun Keaveney every morning now on my way to work. It’s ace, a bit like Chris Moyles when he was good.

    wait until you’ve heard the Paul McCartney impression a few more times…

    Free Member

    I blinkin’ love 6 Music, what else is there? I’m too old for Radio 1, not opinionated or able to listen to the musically beige Radio 2, Radio 4 has the odd comedy show that i can listen too, but other than that 6 music is only radio station i could listed to from 7am to midnight and not want to kill someone!

    Yes Keaveney gets a bit repetitive, Mary Anne Hobbs sounds like her life is a permanent acid-flashback and I find Chris “the Hawk” Hawkins could put a 30 stone Gorilla to sleep; but they place decent music, there is some great documentaries (brilliant 8 hour doc on the history of Jamaican music that was on a 1am and could be downloaded on iplayer recently) and the DJ’s actually have knowledge of what they are talking about.

    Full Member

    wot scud sed

    Full Member

    Forgive me Kilo – I meant to say lovely person.
    It wasn’t my intention to refer to appearance.
    Sorry for patronising you.

    Full Member

    I saw Kenickie at Glastonbury in 98. They were the highlight of a very damp year. Unfortunately some scrote was back at home robbing LaLa’s flat while she was away (IIRC).

    Free Member

    There’s a magic recipe for radio for me that goes something like this-

    Drive to work- Classic FM. Soothing, interesting and no overly-boisterous hosts.

    At work – 6Music.

    If I’m on the road – Radio 4 between 10 and 12. That’s when all the best stuff is on.

    Lunchtime – Radio 1, the only non-digital station not playing some politics/phone in shite.

    Afternoon – 6Music again.

    Drive home – if it’s 4.30, Radio 4. If it’s Wednesday then Radio 2’s folk show on Iplayer. If it’s after 5 then Radio 2.

    You’re not bound to listening to one station all day. 6 Music gets very playlisty and for some reason about 12.30-1.30 they lose the plot and play absolutely mental guff.

    Free Member

    Woah! No sexism please, just get back on with the challenge.
    John Peels lad likes pretentious messages etc you could try him if you want to balance it up.

    Anyway, who’s had a winner today?

    Full Member

    Emailed I had Twitter meltdown so not holding my breath.
    She has done some great stuff on R4 woman’s hour BTW

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