Why is there a Women’s Forum?

Our statistics show that women are under represented in the Singletrack World community. Between 20-25% of our site visitors are women according to Google Analytics. They are there and reading our stories, but they’re not engaging with them or the Forum in the same way as men. We are attempting to address that by trialling a space for women to interact. We know from elsewhere on the internet that spaces designed for women promote engagement and interaction rates, and we want to see if we can replicate some of that by creating a Singletrack Women’s Forum.

Who can join the Women’s Forum?

Access is granted on the basis of selecting the pronouns ‘She/Her/Hers’ in your user profile. If you identify with these pronouns you are welcome in the Women’s Forum.

Can I change my pronouns?

You can, but you will need to email us to request a change. We won’t ask why you want to change your pronouns, this step is simply to prevent abuse of the system.

What other rules are there?

The same rules apply as to the rest of the Singletrack Forums. If you are banned from the Women’s Forum you will be banned from the other Forums. You cannot set up multiple accounts in order to access the Women’s Forum.

One exception to the rules is duplicate threads: if a topic is under discussion in the Chat or Bike Forums, a separate discussion thread in the Women’s Forum will be permitted.

Who moderates it?

The women’s forum is moderated by women. Anyone who abuses the pronoun filter in order to gain access to the women’s forum will be dealt with harshly by the moderators.