Good Vibes Only: Taj In The Woods

by 5

However your day is going, this short video can only make it better. One of those riders you probably had as a teenage idol, Taj Mihelich, says it’s great to just ride your bike in the woods, regardless of radness. You too can ride like Taj. Enjoy.

My favorite part about mountain biking is being in the woods yet conversations about it always steer towards the exhilarating parts. Going fast and hitting jumps is cool but sadly these days I spend more time sitting at a desk than I do trying to get rad on a bicycle. Unplugging from the screens and the noise of the world seems more important than ever.

Taj Mihelich

Mountain biking is so much more than vertigo inducing GoPro footage, life threatening speed and laser guided seat posts. I love that my bike carries me away from the noise of the world and out into the peace of the woods. I always feel a bit uncomfortable when I realize I work in marketing (I blame formative years listening to Bill Hicks) so I have done my best to be sincere in what I do. This is how I really feel on most every ride. I hope this inspires you to get out into the trees and take some deep breathes. Thanks to @loganpatricknelson for helping me try to share what I love and thanks to @fairdalebikes for the Elevator ride out there. #oldmantabletops

And while you’re here, have a peek behind the scenes in the Singletrack staff chat. Here’s Chipps’ response to seeing that video:

Nice. Taj still has one of my fave BMX video sections ever… Saw this first in 1994 I think. Still amazing. (And gave me a lifelong love of G.Love and Special Sauce who did the tune…)

P.S. If you want to improve your life, share nice things with friends and the algorithms will feed you more nice things. You can also find Taj’s In The Woods video on Instagram. Or, you could just go for a ride in the woods.

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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Home Forums Good Vibes Only: Taj In The Woods

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Gaah.
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  • Good Vibes Only: Taj In The Woods
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    Full Member

    In the 90’s someone who worked on the crew of Neighbours (yes, the Australian soap opera) must have been into BMX. There was always occasional characters popping up named after well known BMX riders like Joe Rich and Vic Murphy. Eventually a recurring character named Taj was added.

    When someone asked his about his strange name he said that lots of cool people are called Taj and gave Taj Mihelich as an example.

    I used to watch it after school before I went out riding on my T1 Barcode.


    Free Member

    I met Taj at Rampage in 93, “before he was famous” and then random times over the next 10 years.
    Really nice guy all the way through.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Taj was always one of my favourite Bmx-ers, his style just made everything look effortless. Seeing him still ride like that makes me soo happy!

    I always wanted a T1 barcode but could never afford one, I had to settle (I know, woe is me) for a second hand Standard 250s. I’m going to listen to that Taj interview tomorrow and get nostalgic. The world needs more Taj.

    Free Member

    Love Taj

    Last I’d heard was he was struggling to ride at all due to back issues. Great to see him riding again.

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