Red Bull Rampage 2024: Finals Day and Men’s Results

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Watching Red Bull Rampage is less of an adrenaline event and more of an endurance one. As is traditional, practice was delayed by wind. The organisers tried to get the athletes to head to the start gate, but apparently many decided they wanted a practice run before the real thing.

And no wonder. Tom Isted had made his canyon gap, but hadn’t managed to stay on his planned line after landing. A couple of diggers were buildingi a kicker. I asked if they were making last minute adjustments and they said no – they’re were finishing the line. They’d spent 2.5 days building the massive wall of a lander I’d seen earlier in the week. It’s for Reed Boggs, and is the only huge feature like it that isn’t shared with anyone else. Reed was going to be riding it for the first time in the competition.

Eventually, after the organisers threatened to DQ anyone who didn’t head to the start, the competition got underway.

Brandon Semenuk was down first, but got a bit squirrely on a landing and then wiped out a couple later in a cloud of dust.

Next down was Adolf Silva, with a great clean run.

Tommy G was next, but didn’t make it to the bottom, although his bike very nearly did. Beware buying one lightly used GT… and thank goodness Tommy didn’t follow his bike (and the photographers below got out the way, just).

Making it to the bottom Kurt Sorge and Reed Boggs hit their lines – that giant lander working out just fine.

Rampage first timers Luke Whitlock and Tom Isted also made it down, although Tom had an offline moment on the way and had to stop to re-combobulate.

Ethan Nell put down a solid run for his return to Rampage – without a bike sponsor.

Tyler McCaul went into first place with his run, which seemed to take him hopping all over the hillside.

Szymon Godziek then performed an incredible array of tricks and knocked T-Mac into second.

Bienvenido Aguagdo Alba didn’t make it down as far as his canyon gap before tumbling off for the end of his run. On the other side of the competition site, Kyle Strait threw in a tail whip – a new trick for the old dog. Talus Turk had a decent run, though wasn’t bothering the leaderboard.

Brendan Fairclough was, as is tradition, robbed again. His low score drew a sucking of teeth from the crowd, after a raising a cheer for flipping the canyon gap.

Carson Storch completed his run despite nearly losing it on a 360, Tom Van Steenbergen did a huge front flip drop on a run that was a bit loose, and then Cam Zink didn’t make it to the bottom and was taken away to hospital in a helicopter while a course hold was put in place. He’s said to be in a stable condition.

After the course hold, the wind picked up. The Rampage spectators and course marshals baked in the heat, while the wind whipped the windsocks in every direction. Eventually, later than we think with any other Rampage, the second runs were scheduled. Six riders headed to the top, but in the end only Tommy G and Bandon Semenuk hit the second run, the others deciding it was too windy to be safe. Tommy G laid down a score – we don’t know if it was on the same bike that went off the cliff. And Semenuk landed the flip whip that took him out on the previous run, winning him Red Bull Rampage 2024.

Brandon Fairclough released a video saying why he wasn’t doing a second run.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Brendan Fairclough (@brendog1)

Controversy around the scoring is as traditional as the wind, with some thinking that the wait for second runs was too long. Others thought tricks were being given too much recognition over raw mountain bike riding skills. And others were too tired, hot and dusty to argue. After the podiums, everyone piled into shuttles, or traipsed out through the desert, leaving the hillside to the elements – and perhaps a few future Red Bull Rampage hopefuls, who will try out the lines when the cameras aren’t looking.


1st. Brandon Semenuk: 92.73
2nd. Szymon Godziek: 91.66
3rd. Tyler McCaul: 90.66
4th. Tom Van Steenbergen: 89.33
5th. Kurt Sorge: 87.16
6th. Thomas Genon: 85.83
7th. Carson Storch: 85
8th. Adolf Silva: 83.50
9th. Ethan Nell: 82.33
10th. Kyle Strait: 78.66
11th. Brendan Fairclough: 76
12th. Reed Boggs: 74.66
13th. Talus Turk: 72
14th. Luke Whitlock: 70.66
15th. Tom Isted: 50.53

  • GoPro Moment: Kyle Strait
  • Best Trick: Tom Van Steenbergen’s front flip drop
  • Decked Digger Award: Brandon Semenuk’s team of Evan Young and Justin Wyper
  • People’s Choice: Brendan Fairclough
  • BFGoodrich Toughness Award: Bienvenido Aguado Alba
  • Samsung Trailblazer Award: Brendan Fairclough
  • McGazza Spirit Award: Ethan Nell

2024 Red Bull Rampage Women’s Roster

  1. Robin Goomes (NZL) 
  2. Casey Brown (CAN) 
  3. Vinny Armstrong (NZL)  
  4. Georgia Astle (CAN) 
  5. Vero Sandler (UK) 
  6. Vaea Verbeeck (CAN) 
  7. Chelsea Kimball (USA) 
  8. Camila Nogueira (ARG) 

2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Roster

  1. Cam Zink (USA)
  2. Tom Van Steenbergen (CAN) 
  3. Carson Storch (USA)
  4. Brendan Fairclough (GBR)
  5. Talus Turk (USA)
  6. Kyle Strait (USA)
  7. Ethan Nell (USA)
  8. Bienvenido Aguado Alba (SPA)
  9. Adolf Silva (SPA)
  10. Brandon Semenuk (CAN)
  11. Clemens Kaudela (AUT)
  12. Kurt Sorge (CAN)
  13. Luke Whitlock (USA)
  14. Reed Boggs (USA)
  15. Szymon Godziek (POL)
  16. Thomas Genon (BEL)
  17. Tom Isted (GBR)
  18. Tyler McCaul (USA)

Thanks to ABUS for contributing to Hannah’s travel expenses.

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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Home Forums Red Bull Rampage 2024: Finals Day and Men’s Results

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  • Red Bull Rampage 2024: Finals Day and Men’s Results
  • leffeboy
    Full Member

    Glad I stayed up to watch second runs though as it was great to see Thomas Genon complete his run in massive style this time.  Was a very good Rampage with some huge huge scores.  Following the articles here has added to the enjoyment as well and so happy to see the Women’s event get going at last in such a good way.  Brendan’s score seemed very unfair given the level of exposure and the size of his run, especially with the chute

    Full Member

    What an event! We’re spoilt to live in Utah and grabbed tickets this year, and it’s soooo much bigger in real life! And it won’t just be the course from this year that future hopefuls will be riding in the coming weeks, the hills around Virgin are full of crazy lines to try! it’s just terrifying watching your own kids ride them!

    Free Member

    I think it’s really bad that the women’s event was mid week, and rather lucky that the men’s event was delayed enabling it to be shown in full before the men’s race

    The rest has already been said on other threads

    Full Member

    I think it’s really bad that the women’s event was mid week, and rather lucky that the men’s event was delayed enabling it to be shown in full before the men’s race

    Well if they’d tried to run it on the same day as Mens Finals it would arguably have never gone ahead as the wind caused delays etc… So the fact it was on a different day actually helped

    Free Member

    Well if they’d tried to run it on the same day as Mens Finals it would arguably have never gone ahead as the wind caused delays etc… So the fact it was on a different day actually helped

    It could have been on Sat/Sun therefore getting much more of an audience rather than mid week when people are working

    Full Member

    I agree it’d be better on a weekend, I choose mens only tickets as I couldn’t take time off work midweek 🙁

    Full Member
    Full Member

    @kayak23 there’s another guy that did it with him, his POV makes it look really smooth.

    I’m sort of not surprised – there are so many people round there riding such gnarly stuff that the skill level is incredible. But I guess it’s one thing to figure out how to build it and ride it, and another to ride it once you know it works and can see the speeds, lines etc. Putting it together in the first place is a whole other level of skill.

    Full Member

    Putting it together in the first place is a whole other level of skill.

    God yeah. Totally agree. For Bren and the team to come up with that incredibly creative line, test the untested and ride it under competition conditions is insane.

    I think a few of the comments in the first Insta clip were suggesting that maybe Bren wasn’t too happy about someone riding it after the comp. Not sure how much truth there is in that though. Probably the usual level of comments section truth.

    Like you say though, coming up with it in the first place and putting the run together can certainly not be underplayed.

    Nothing but respect for Bren, Ollie and Deaks. 🙂

    Full Member

    I think I’d be a bit miffed if I was Brendog.

    That post hasn’t come from a position of respect for what he did. He could have titled it ‘I survived his rampage line’ rather than ‘I did it on a (suspiciously) cheap secondhand bike I’d never ridden before’

    He’s obvs a really good rider, but it comes off like he’s trying to show him up/belittle him. Be interesting to see him get a place next year…

    Full Member

    There’s another factor in bren’s run Vs this guy that needs to be considered… Wind

    Rampage is an afternoon jobbie, and it gets windier throughout the day, if these guys rode in the morning or takes that out of the equation.

    The other big difference is smoothness, bren looked way more composed, even on his first hit videos. These guys look like a couple of very skillful chancers. There’s videos every year now of guys going and hitting rampage features after the comp and frankly they often look lucky not to end up in hospital

    Full Member

    Tbh I’m surprised the lines don’t get flattened after the comp to stop exactly this happening

    Full Member

    … still waiting to see if anyone else will do the BFC of Isted and McCaul. I thought the speed of the run out on that was the scariest thing this year.

    Full Member

    Crikey, I was more scared watching that than Rampage.

    Brendan will be miffed, I’m sure – I remember Olly was very forthright on his opinions about Lew Buchanan going to ride the Battleship feature from last year.

    But I think the big takeaway here is that Red Bull need to add an amateur category to the contest – maybe the next day – they could send a load of vloggers and influencers down the pros’ lines and see what happens?

    Engagement figures would be through the roof.

    Full Member

    Pah! no backflip 😀

    Full Member

    2002 Rampage

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