Chain Reaction Powers The Singletrack Forum

by 70

We are very pleased to welcome back Chain Reaction as our forum partner.

Partnerships like this are really important to us as they help us maintain and develop the site but we are looking forward to much more than just a financial relationship with Chain Reaction.

chain reaction forum sponsor

Workshop Specials

As well as the branding you will see in the forum Chain Reaction are helping us to put together a series of workshop features that will get right down and dirty with a whole raft of classic bike maintenance jobs, tips and tricks. From greasing things up to taking them apart and putting them back together again (with no little bits left over – no really!) the series will kick off in a few weeks and will be accessible to everyone.

But there’s more

Chain Reaction have been providing an online retail service to all of us for decades and I doubt there’s many reading this that haven’t had a delivery or two from them at some point in their riding lives. But Chain Reaction know that to be valued and good at what they do they need to know what you think. That’s why they’ve created a feedback survey specifically to get your thoughts on what is important to you when it comes to their services.

As well as the survey there are going to be lots of opportunities to engage with the the folks at Chain Reaction through the regular features that they are going to be posting right here on Singletrackworld.

So, welcome Chain Reaction and here’s to a productive future.

The Chain Reaction Big Survey

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Author Profile Picture
Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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Home Forums Chain Reaction Powers The Singletrack Forum

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  • Chain Reaction Powers The Singletrack Forum
  • 13
    Free Member

    I don’t have an issue with sponsorship if it keeps the STW_staff team earning a living and the forum and magazine alive.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    The Ad free part of our T&Cs is here

    Do subscribers get a notification when the T&Cs are updated?

    Full Member

    I for one welcome our new size XXS/XXL-only overlords

    Full Member

    Seems some forum members got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.

    Full Member

    Seems some forum members got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning

    Or maybe unlike you they’re not blinkered

    Full Member

    I put my roof bars on here, they should have gone on the classifieds. I just wanted to see if anybody could use them before they went to the tip.

    Sorry mods

    Free Member

    Does 2 broken websites make 1 working one?

    Full Member

    It’s worked! I’ve been on the Chain Reaction website, browsing. Is there a way of going directly from here? I tried clicking the logo but no luck!

    Full Member

    Or maybe unlike you they’re not blinkered

    Or maybe mods understand the rules.

    no problem

    Full Member

    Or maybe mods understand the rules.

    My main objection was that the email I got from the moderator team was just curt and rude.

    Full Member

    Probably just being time efficient. Keep up the hard work mods. And thank you.

    Full Member

    Nice one! Good to get a bit of sponsorship. All the TV programmes influencers seem to these days!


    Full Member

    Probably just being time efficient. Keep up the hard work mods. And thank you.


    We can’t all be au fait with sub-paragraph “c” of section 14.2.77 of chapter 4 of the forum rules.

    Full Member

    Does 2 broken websites make 1 working one?

    I searched on CRC for a size L jumper and got the Picolax thread instead

    Full Member

    Full membership discounts ?


    Well someone needed to ask 😕

    Full Member

    It would be nice if the sponsorship got as far as the members discount page.

    Full Member

    This inspired me to go to chainreaction when considering a new stem. Unfortunately I found I couldn’t filter by stem length so I gave up and left…

    Free Member

    Screenshot_20230914_135421_Chain Reaction
    Although I wanted to point out that neither of the items pictured are either a torque or a torx wrench, it did remind me I need a new chain whip that works on 12 speed. Very cunning, CRC 😉

    Full Member

    can we ask the 5-star phone in question?

    Full Member

    Nice one! Good to get a bit of sponsorship. All the TV programmes seem to these days!

    Which, you could argue, is just a cunning/cynical way of getting round the advertising minutage restrictions. 😉

    Full Member

    We can’t all be au fait with sub-paragraph “c” of section 14.2.77 of chapter 4 of the forum rules.

    That parking is restricted to reverse parking only on a Wednesday afternoon, sir?

    I’m not quite sure of the relevance of that her, sir.

    Full Member

    Searchbar is powered by google also.

    We all moaned when the begging cup went out, if this is a way of keeping the forum going without begging then great. (& same for Izuzu advert too afaic)

    Full Member

    All I can see is a Chain Reaction banner, not getting anything else?

    Full Member

    Aside from the thoughts on web sites, it’s good news that STW has attracted a no doubt significant player in the cycling world, with hopefully an equally significant funding pot.

    I don’t mind the odd advert and I don’t chase the lowest price on anything – race to the gutter anyone – but, if the forum becomes a CRC forum as has been indicated slightly by threads being deleted, and goes down the avenue of ‘We can’t promote any shops other than CRC/Wiggle’ etc, it will be disappointing and I’ll pack my bags.

    Free Member

    For me the annoying thing is the large ad videos that pop up inline with the forum posts.
    I rarely read any of the members only content so it makes me really question what I am paying the membership fee for when I am having to navigate over ads.

    Full Member

    Well my CRC wheel arrived, it’s correct… it was easy to find on the site and it’s all good.

    Welcome to our great Overlords.

    Full Member

    For me the annoying thing is the large ad videos that pop up inline with the forum posts.

    If you are a paying member then there is an option to disable those videos in the preferences section of your account info.  They do still seem to sometimes appear if you come into a post via a Google link but the rest of the time they are gone

    Free Member

    as has been indicated slightly by threads being deleted

    I’m pretty confident in saying that’s coincidence not conspiracy. The various threads were all things which would and have historically been removed. Sometimes it’s fine line between an ad and a PSA and sometimes the mods make a call I’d disagree with but none of the threads I saw were clearly “normal” forum content deleted for promoting [redacted 😉].

    It looks suspicious because “I’ve got free roof bars pm me” got deleted about the same time as the crc banner arrived. It would have been deleted or closed a week ago though and no one would have batted an eyelid at that.

    Something about incompetence and malice, and if you can’t decide which it might be, use the search bar up there to find previous threads on the subject.

    [Mod – to clarify, starting a for sale or wanted post in the main forum (stealth or otherwise, no matter how generous the offer) has never been allowed. If you see one, report it and we’ll remove it & ask the poster to place an ad in the classifieds. Thanks]

    Full Member

    Which, you could argue, is just a cunning/cynical way of getting round the advertising minutage restrictions

    Not very cunning tbh. I’m about as likely to buy a Volvo cos they sponsor True Detective or a bottle of Coors cos I like Channel4 comedy as I am to only shop at CRC for my bike kit.

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