Stone King Rally: Day 1 results and POV

by 15

The first-ever Stone King Rally began on an epic note. Three ‘otherwordly’ stages in the morning followed by an almighty afternoon storm. The awful weather meant that Stage 4 was cancelled but riders still battled on to finish the day with an arduous descent down to Pontechianale.

POV vid and pretty pics

Results after Day 1

Arvieux to Pontechianale

  • 45km length
  • 1600m ascent
  • 3,390m descent

Orange Switch 6er. Stif Squatcher. Schwalbe Magic Mary Purple Addix front. Maxxis DHR II 3C MaxxTerra rear. Coil fan. Ebikes are not evil. I have been a writer for nigh on 20 years, a photographer for 25 years and a mountain biker for 30 years. I have written countless magazine and website features and route guides for the UK mountain bike press, most notably for the esteemed and highly regarded Singletrackworld. Although I am a Lancastrian, I freely admit that West Yorkshire is my favourite place to ride. Rarely a week goes by without me riding and exploring the South Pennines.

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Home Forums Stone King Rally: Day 1 results and POV

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  • Stone King Rally: Day 1 results and POV
  • Jordan
    Full Member

    That stage looked pretty wild in an awesome way!

    Full Member

    Wow this looks like an awesome event, how have I not heard anything about it until now?

    Free Member

    It’s only for santa cruz riders and associated hangers on. Plus a few ‘normals’ to pay the wages.

    Ouch. Sorry not sorry

    Full Member

    I know I’m old fashioned, but it would be nice if the article actually started with a quick explanation of what the Stone King Rally is. I’ve never heard of it and I don’t have the faintest idea where Pontechianale is – Walee, Italy, Rwanda? Yes, I know I can google it, but I shouldn’t have to. This is journalism 101 stuff.

    Full Member

    Agree with BadlyWiredDog

    Free Member

    Also agree with BWD. But that’d require googling before ctrl-c and ctrl-v.

    Full Member

    I know I’m old fashioned, but it would be nice if the article actually started with a quick explanation of what the Stone King Rally is

    It’s the pinnacle of modern mountain biking, a hallowed, exclusive and secretive event which pits man and machine against the rugged and unforgiving trails of… erm, just let me Google this bit… oh yeah, the Maritime Alps.

    If you have to ask, you don’t deserve to know.

    Free Member

    howsyourdad1 = nail on head

    mere mortals will never get a spot ! need the secret Santa cruz handshake for entry..

    Free Member

    Thats all a little negative.

    I agree some explanation of what SKR is about would be useful, so I’ll try and address that below. I’m out here working on it, currently sat in an ancient fort waiting for riders to finish for the day.

    If you know the Transprovence, then you know the basic format. 6 big mountain days, some uplift, some hike-a-bike, quite a lot of pedalling. 4 blind timed downhillish stages per day. The route heads from inland, camping each night and finishes at the coast. We’re spending a lot of time in Italy at the moment.

    The difference with SKR -v- TP is that the trails are mostly “new” in that they’re centuries old deserted routes unearthed by Ash, or brand new, fresh cut in liasion with local communities. All the trails are being published on Komoot with the aim of creating a network of awesome routes across the Maritime Alps that can be ridden by anyone. The “Rally” is merely the public launch of 3 years of hard work. There will be guided trip, but anyone can do self-supported rides as big or as small as they like – Ash & Melissa are only too aware that the cost of the Race is beyond the reach of most riders.The ultimate aim is to use bikes to bring tourism cash into the local communities. These trails need riding to stay open – the area they are in is VAST, so visitors are positively welcomed.

    Yes Santa Cruz are the title sponsor, and with the TransProvence pedigree, it sells out almost immediately – I’ve worked on 5 TPs, and I know maybe 80% of the riders, so maybe it’s a victim of its own success – the race can’t grow any more as the campsites can’t handle it, and logistics are already hellish. As an aside – with my Ride Sheffield hat on Santa Cruz Paydirt fund is putting a lot of cash into some of our local trails. Interestingly, I reckon there’s more Transitions here than SC though…

    Again – just taking the headline cost at face value, it seems horrendous – however factor in there’s about 50% as many staff as competitors (mountain staff, doctors, catering, camp staff, drivers, timing(me!) – all of whom need food and accom), 20+ vehicles, food, beer, transfers for 7 days, and its easy to see on the ground where the cash goes. I know for a fact Ash & Melissa are not swanning round in Rolls Royces or living in a palace.

    The riding ain’t easy either. Day 1 had a truly awful hailstorm – part of mountain riding. I’ve been around the block but I’d have had a wobbly bottom lip if I got that col and wet, then had to sleep in a tent. Yesterday was 12hrs+ in the saddle for most riders. Just going “oh its the Maritime Alps” doesn’t really bring home the scale of the physical undertaking required. But it was smiles all round last night as riders rolled into camp. That’s what matters.

    If I sound like I’ve drunk the Koolaid – I have. It’s something I believe in, as do a lot of the other staff, as we keep coming back year after year to do a week of 18+ hour days but no riding of bikes.

    So get on the SKR website or look it up on Komoot and get out here and ride it!

    Free Member

    Thanks Jon for the narrative. At least someone made the effort!

    Full Member

    Thanks Jon for the narrative. At least someone made the effort!

    Yeah, plus one. Looks like a cracking event. Have fun 🙂

    Free Member

    …and just as a quick follow up…
    Today’s final stage finished through the (disused) moat of the fort I mentioned earlier.

    Every. Single. Rider. was absolutely buzzing when they came into the courtyard for beer and apero. That’s why it’s special.

    Full Member

    Very envious.
    I applied but didn’t get in, it looks magic.

    Full Member

    So get on the SKR website or look it up on Komoot and get out here and ride it!

    Looks amazing, I might just do that…

    Free Member

    I’m just a (keen) punter and not affiliated with any bike companies and got a place in the race, so comments above about it being just for santa cruz riders etc. are definitely unjustified!

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