Another year, another bit older, and at the point where I have to ask my kids how old I am this year. ’43!’ they reply with glee. Then they remember its my birthday and they’re supposed to be nice to me, so say things like ’but you don’t look that old’ or ’but we still love you’. Ah…age that comes with a ’but’…
Anyway, for those who like to avoid mud facials, we have a birthday discount offer on mudguards for you: We’ve reduced their price down to £11.99, plus Singletrack World members get free postage. Clearly the flaming haired shredder adorning this mudguard is modelled on me, and any similarity to Amanda is a total coincidence. OK… but how popular would a frizzy grey haired bimbler in dungarees be? It’s a look, but not a popular one.
Far be it from me to give anyone fashion tips, so buy yourself a mudguard not because it’ll make you look any better, but because it’s a practical way to keep the crap out of your face so you can actually see where you’re going.
If you don’t need a new mudguard in your life, no worries. While every purchase in the Singletrack World shop supports our work, I am not one to make anyone buy or own stuff or material things that they don’t need just for the sake of it – I am going to celebrate my birthday by having my kids cook my tea AND do the dishes. Experience over possessions etc. But if you like what we do and you’d like to support Singletrack World, I’d be delighted if you’d join us. From £20 a year you’ll get access to everything we write, including the magazine. A whole year of vicarious experiences that I hope might inspire you to go and make your own.
Happy birthday, happy weekend, happy thoughts!
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