The video below is the first episode in a series of edits. The basic gist of the proposed three-part series being following Joe as he goes through the off-season and into the race season with a fairly clear target in mind. Namely, a Hardline medal.
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If you watched last year’s Red Bull Hardline (which you very likely did because you’ve clicked on this story), you may remember that Joe Smith was very probably heading for at least a podium spot… until he crashed out.
Hardline appeals to a particular type of rider. Perhaps not the all-out fastest World Cup dominators. It’s not their sort of thing. Too slow. Too bonkers.
Hardline seems to suit riders like Joe, Adam Brayton, Craig Evans and Bernard Kerr. British riders in other words. Although, arguably one of the more enticing riders to watch is Norway’s Brage Vestavik.
Regardless, Red Bull Hardline is like a Downhill World Cup from another dimension. We really, really enjoy watching it.
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