Top 10 stories of 2021

by 4

With us being one of the busiest bike website on the planet there are loads of differing ways in which eyeballs end up on our site. Although you very probably come direct to our homepage every morning (and several times throughout the day) via a saved bookmark, there are plenty of folk who arrive straight into our stories from links on social media. Let’s not forget all that direct forwarding of our stories within peer groups and bunches of mates. And what about those stories that escape beyond the realm of the mountain bike community and go viral? Anyhoo, it’s always interesting to see just what exactly were the most read stories on Singletrackworld in 2021. As ever, there are a couple of ‘oh really’ eyebrow-raisers in this little lot.

1. Upside down bikes on the trail, do you know what it means?

Much like the practice of putting crossed skis to warn others of an incident immediately up ahead, the sight of upside down bikes on a trail indicates that you should stop and slowly proceed with caution.

2. Is the Bicycle Company UK Britain’s biggest cycling scam?

Ah, the unparalleled power of the Singletrackworld forum. This fiscally fascinating feature was birthed originally via a forum post but then it took on a life all of its own once we punted it out the news page.

3. Swytch Ebike Conversion Kit review: did it convert us?

A classic example of a story having Google legs. In other words, a story about a drop-bar bike with a bolt-on motor may not have been overly interesting to our typical regular readers but once The Googles start to find it. Boom.

4. 12 huge cassettes for 1x drivetrains that aren’t Shimano or SRAM

Proof, if ever any was needed, that cyclists want easier gearing please. And we want it without going back to the dark, clattery days of front mechs and multiple chainrings. And we want it cheaper. Obvs.

5. Garmin fēnix 6 Pro Solar – the last smartwatch you’ll buy

The Covid fitness bubble refuses to truly burst. Again, we think most visitors landing on this review may never have visited before. And some of them possibly never will again. But plenty of folks arrive to us via such search engine results as this review.

6. UPDATED: Is this the UK’s biggest drop?

Speaking of Covid, the main driver for this piece ‘blowing up’ was the heated discussion as to whether such riding was irresponsible during a pandemic which was/is placing so much strain on health services.

7. Lal Bikes Supre Drive – a better derailleur solution?

Whilst point no.4 suggests we love our gears, this no.7 point suggests we also hate them. So much so that we’re prepared to entertain the idea of a while new frame design just to rid our riding lives of rear mechs.

8. Here’s what happened with Gee Atherton’s massive crash

You can’t beat a good old bit of rubbernecking. And the GoPro-in-a-washing-machine aspect of this particular video was indeed very eyeball-worthy.

9. The best looking bikes of 2021

If you’ve ever owned a bike that was so lovely that you found yourself getting up and wandering over to the place where it was stored, just to look at it again, you’ll appreciate why this collection of pretty pushbikes was so popular.

10. Does new Trek box signal a shift to consumer direct?

It’s hard to say who read this story the most; customers, bike shop staffers, rival bike brands, cardboard box fetishists (that must be a thing, right?)

Orange Switch 6er. Stif Squatcher. Schwalbe Magic Mary Purple Addix front. Maxxis DHR II 3C MaxxTerra rear. Coil fan. Ebikes are not evil. I have been a writer for nigh on 20 years, a photographer for 25 years and a mountain biker for 30 years. I have written countless magazine and website features and route guides for the UK mountain bike press, most notably for the esteemed and highly regarded Singletrackworld. Although I am a Lancastrian, I freely admit that West Yorkshire is my favourite place to ride. Rarely a week goes by without me riding and exploring the South Pennines.

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Home Forums Top 10 stories of 2021

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  • Top 10 stories of 2021
  • identitizombie
    Full Member

    Might have to add this to my Linkedin profile somewhere, ‘Had 3/10 top stories from 2021’ ha. Or you know, make myself a badge or something.

    Keep up the amazing work, guys! Look forward to seeing what 2022 has in store for STW.

    Full Member

    Ooh, they’re interesting! I’m gonna read a couple of them now 😀

    Full Member

    Garmin Fenix 6. The last smartwatch you’ll buy… from Garmin. Then after you’re so fecked off with it and the software flakiness, you’ll go buy something better from Polar or Suunto.

    As for the top ten best looking bikes… 8 are still butt fugly. Charlie’s choice is still niiiice.

    And praise be my bikes still all have a double chain ring and front mech so I don’t have to pay 5x for the narrow-wide chain ring, have a garbage chain line, amd have to use a chain catcher where the mech should be.
    (Except the one with a triple chainset. And the one with the real solution – a Rohloff hub and Gates belt drive).

    Happy Christmas !

    Keep the good work up (I still love getting the luddite paper mag through the door for a real analogue read, with great articles and write ups from grown ups who know what they are on about👍).

    Full Member

    And praise be my bikes still all have a double chain ring and front mech so I don’t have to pay 5x for the narrow-wide chain ring, have a garbage chain line, amd have to use a chain catcher where the mech should be

    What? Have you convinced yourself of that all on your own? 1x rings can be had for £15, and in the 8 years I’ve been exclusively using narrow-wide rings without a chain guide on MTB, over 10 bikes, I haven’t dropped a chain yet. In fact, come to think of it, the only times I’ve dropped a chain to my memory are on 2x gravel bike, which when that drivetrain gives up, will move to 1x

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