Darn it! We missed the snow! Us northerners put up with months of summer rain, wild winds and general greyness while the southerners get the sun, and then, come winter, the southerners steal our snow too! Unbelievable! What we need is some kind of Parliamentary petition to do away with this kind of thing. ‘We, the undersigned, call upon the UK Government to redistribute the UK’s weather in a fair and equitable manner’.
Harumph. Of course, being northerners (honorary and apprentice northerners in some instances) we did crack on and make the best of what we had. A mere sprinkling compared to the original forecast, but still enough to get a spaniel, Wil, or children quite excited.
I was solo parenting this weekend, so no riding for me. Instead we headed up to the high ground in search of enough snow for sledging – the grass was still showing through, but we managed it.
I took the Trickstuff brakes for a tour of Hamsterley Forest yesterday. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Wil was out with Antony. Antony was testing the Rocky Mountain Instinct you’ve all been drooling over. It appears he’s having fun.
Is it the bike or goggles that contains the ‘get air’ button? Wil took a more grounded approach to the same feature.
Saturday Afternoon solo moors snow’spedition… Including losing at bog roulette (pic taken after OTB!):
Only got out for a bit, but it was lovely.
How about you? Did you dig the fat bike out for a play in the snow? Did you stay in with your log burner? Or did you stare out the window at wind and rain? How was your weekend? Hope it was a good one!