Singletrack Bike Night at Keswick Mountain Festival

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The ever picturesque Lake District is set to host the Keswick Mountain Festival in just eight days time. In amongst the various outdoorsy activities, demos, talks by living legends such as Chris Bonington and a series of film nights, there’s a whole evening dedicated to the humble mountain bicycle.

Thursday the 17th May will see the Singletrack Bike Night at the Rawnsley Centre in the middle of Keswick. Starting at 7pm and going on til 10pm, it’s going to be hosted by our very own silver tongued compère, Mr Chipps Chippendale.

He’ll be taking you through an evening of mountain bike films, including Danny MacAskill’s Industrial Revolutions, The Coastal Crew and Anthill’s From The Inside Out plus Vast, Into Thin Air and others.

Chipps will be accompanied by pro downhiller and stuntman Rob Jarman and Austrian bike pro and trials supremo Stefan Schlie for a question and answer session later on, discussing the films, their work and biking in general. On top of all that, there are some great prizes on offer including a skills day with Cyclewise.

Tickets for the evening cost £15 from the Keswick Mountain Festival site and you can check out the full programme below for details of the Singletrack Bike Night and other bike activities, including the guided rides and Cube bikes demo on the weekend.


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