Jamaica Fat Tyre Festival

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We’ve just had this news from the organisers of the Jamaica Fat Tyre Festival that it’s going to be taking place once more during the 20-27th February. Benji visited last year and absolutely loved the laid back vibe and different spin on a biking festival. More details below…

“Two Wheels, One Love. What more could you ask for? Set for February 20-27, the 13th annual Jamaica Fat Tyre Festival combines fantastic riding with Jamaica’s unique, vibrant culture for an experience you will never forget!

The Festival kicks off with a welcome and registration party on the evening of February 19th at John Crow’s Tavern (the Festival HQ) located in the heart of Ocho Rios – the vibes capital of Jamaica’s beautiful North Coast.

The bicycling begins on February 20th with a day for Jamaicans to show off their own riding skills. Dubbed “A celebration of Jamaican Bicycling Culture” the Jamaica Bicycle Bash is designed to provide a unique, fun-filled atmosphere centered around all things bicycle. Highlights include a 5 mile race looping through Oracabessa, Skills Course race, the ever-popular Rambolympics and many other games and contests that provide great entertainment!

On February 21st you’ll be shuttled up to Murphy Hill, perched high above Ocho Rios for the day called “Murphy O-Hamilton Gets Conscious”. After taking in the view your brakes will overheat on the blistering descent to world renown Dunn’s River Falls. After regrouping at John Crow’s, the crew will head out to the friendly communities of Oracabessa, Hamilton Mtn, and Jacks River. Checking out SMORBA’s trails in western St. Mary will prepare you for the after-ride relaxation and the evening’s festivities at “Conscious Corner” bar in Rio Nuevo.

On Tuesday the 22nd you will trek to Pimento Hill in St Mary for the day called “The John Crow Has Landed”. A more relaxed day of single track, downhills, and waterfalls is in store – all ending at Black Sand Beach where a meal of roast breadfruit and other local dishes prepared by local SMORBA dude, Natty Grant will await.

February 23rd (“Roots, Rocks, Reggae, Rum”) will see you going deep into rural Jamaica near Robin’s Bay, St. Mary. These amazing, technical singletracks (including the famed Carlton Pass) are the trails that led Katrina Strand to proclaim “This is the best day of my life… and it isn’t even over yet!”

Later in the day on the 23rd we will make our move to the “Top-Secret” location in the Blue Mountains for the Ken Klowak Memorial Ride. Ken was the trail builder responsible for the fantastic riding at the site and we will pay our respects to a great friend by ripping his trails as he would have wanted.

On Saturday, February 26th we’ll make our way down from the Blue Mountains and head back to Ocho Rios. On the way we will tackle the Red Light trail which will take you from Newcastle all the way to the edge of Kingston. After a quick stop to eat and replenish the fluids we’ll head back over the mountains to John Crow’s Tavern for whatever ridiculousness the last night of the event has in store.

Spaces are extremely limited. If you’d like to attend, get in touch with us at smorbaja@hotmail.com or for more info check out our site at www.smorba.com.

Two Wheels – One Love.

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