July 4-5th
Lee Quarry, Lancashire
- Mikrotime are doing the race timing.
- A mountainbiking caterer has been booked – a variety of decent grub will be on offer, not just burgers.
- Camping will be free.
- Car parking will be ample, secure and free.
- Toilets are booked (and will be emptied and “refreshed” during Saturday).
- A big bowser of drinking water has been sorted.
- We have fancy “Singletrack”-branded race tape and everything.
- Rossendale Mountain Rescue will be doing the First Aid thing.
- If you’ve not been to Lee Quarry before (why not?) the event will be “AA” yellow signposted from all major roads/motorways.
- Maxxis are sponsoring the Downhill course.
- Singular Cycles are sponsoring the Classic Trials event.
- Lots of other bikes industry bods will be there with their wares (Kona, Saris, Turner, Cove, Race Face, Ragley Bikes… and more being added every day it seems).
- Local bike shops and Weekender-helpers-extraordinaire Ride-on and Blazing Saddles will be there in full force offering mechanical “pit crew” support and spares.
- We are currently hunting down people to help out with Marshalling – please drop us a line on 01706 81344 if you can help.
- This is very cool – http://www.imagewhiz.co.uk/lee_quarry_virtual_tour/mountain_bike_lee_quarry.html
- Entries still available (£30 for Subscribers, £35 for other folk).
- Entry on the day will be possible (if there are any spaces left that is!) at a should-have-entered-earlier price of £40.
If you have any queries regarding entering, racing, spectating, sponsoring, having a trade stand… anything at all really, please feel free to give us a ring on 01706 813344.
Singletrack Classic Weekender – Trials from Singletrack Magazine on Vimeo.
What is “Classic Trials”?
Replies (5)
Comments Closed
Love the virtual tour. Be nice with a few more action vids. Is the one on there typical of one of the trials obstacles? If I enter I won’t be attempting to ride the wire drums! (Yes I do realise that they are probably a permanent fixture for the bouncy/jumpy/skilled/young brigade)!
Your wish is our command 🙂
I wouldn’t worry about the trials. It’s as easy as falling off a log.
Kona…. ;o)