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  • Where's @TeamHurtMore
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    Not that you’d ever indulge in a bit of victim blaming yourself oob would you?

    Full Member

    So it’s OK to say “you are lying”, but not OK to say “you are a liar”.

    Got it.

    Free Member

    If you’re telling yourself that you’re not bullying because the person you’re attacking deserves it you can be pretty sure you’re bullying.

    Right on brother 😆

    Free Member

    “Not that you’d ever indulge in a bit of victim blaming yourself oob would you?”

    Dunno, hope not, what have you got in mind?

    Free Member

    So it’s OK to say “you are lying”, but not OK to say “you are a liar”.

    Got it.


    It’s also apparently true that someone who serially lies is not by definition a liar 🙄

    Free Member

    Can we clarify whether adding “again” to “you are lying” is acceptable?

    Free Member

    Here’s a simple way to stop being called a liar:

    1) Don’t lie.

    Full Member

    We should all keep out pointing obvious and blatant untruths when posted by anyone.
    This is different to people sharing different opinions, nuances or “takes” on subjects.
    It also different to people making honest or stupid mistakes (we all do that).
    We can all be wrong. We can all propagate falsehoods by mistake.
    It is in our interests to have it called to our attention when we do this.
    More importantly, those that delibrately, and repeatedly, help spread malicious lies, should be called out.

    Sorry, but the net is a wash with deliberate fabrications and lies, and when they make it onto this forum, they should be pointed out.

    Full Member

    Its a tactic Borris Johnson uses quite well

    just pull a plausible sounding statistic out of the air to back up whatever point you are trying to make, its very hard to factcheck in the heat of a debate.

    Plenty of other MPs do it all the time (see Fallon on the today programme repeatedly claiming that labours old energy supplier price freeze meant that any fall in rates wouldnt be passed on to consumer vs the new Tory price cap which would, Nick Robinson let it pass, Ed milliband tweeted the old labour policy doc to show it was a lie, but too late- the Fallon version of the truth is out there)

    its harder to get away with it on an internet forum tho

    FWIW THM has called out Jamba a fair few times on it!

    Free Member

    Dunno, hope not, what have you got in mind?

    I reckon you know yourself. Anyway, not going to drag it back up, as tempting as it was.

    [Will save it for another time.]

    Free Member

    “I reckon you know yourself. Anyway, not going to drag it back up, as tempting as it was.
    [Will save it for another time.]”


    (See how easy it is.)

    Free Member

    Nah, not the time or the thread.

    Free Member

    “Nah, not the time or the thread.”

    You made the claim in this thread. Don’t be shy, back up your words.

    Full Member

    If 15 folk call him out for being a repetitive and consistent liar is that bullying, insulting or abusive?

    After the first, what, two rebuttals maybe, what are the other thirteen adding to the conversation? They’re not, they’re just the gang of jeering kids in the playground that swarm round to watch when a scrap breaks out.

    replace “rape victim” with “belligerent football hooligan” and you’d have a more accurate analogy.

    So it’s ok to bully a football hooligan?

    We should all keep out pointing obvious and blatant untruths when posted by anyone.

    It is in our interests to have it called to our attention when we do this.

    Well said.

    The thing is, if someone consistently posts inaccurate facts, whether that’s out of malice or ignorance, they’re going to get consistently called out on it. I don’t see this as bullying; rather it’s a means of educating that person (if they’re prepared to listen) and perhaps more importantly as a way of stemming the propagation of false information. If it encourages people to check their information is correct before presenting it as factual, so much the better.

    Ie, if you don’t want to be called out for posting wrong information, check your facts first. If you don’t want to be bullied and abused for posting wrong information, use the Report Post button and we’ll dig out the Stompy Boots des Moderateurs.

    Free Member

    My wife will be passing by Hurtmore today.

    Anyway, it is à bit depressing anyone could get vexed on the Rugby thread, THM and Duckman’s spat about glowing hardly showed neither of them in a good light, it was kindergarten stuff.

    The Jambafact stuff is pretty lazy, fact checking is very easy and he is hardly alone. I am not convinced he is the worst offender. Anyway, anyone who has worked in the City in the last century is not going to be phased by what a few people say on here. I can’t believe people report posts.

    Full Member

    I can’t believe people report posts.

    TBH I kinda wish more people did, rather than whine in public about something we potentially haven’t even seen (just, y’know, don’t all start doing it at once!) It’d make this gig a lot easier.

    For those that do – and it’s not just about offensive posts but all those spam posts and wrong forums – I thank you for taking the time to do so.

    Free Member

    If 15 folk call him out for being a repetitive and consistent liar is that bullying, insulting or abusive?

    I am not a “repetitive and consistent liar”, so yes it is. I can’t recall ever having read posts from anyone here proving what you assert to be the case. I have different views to the most frequent STW posters and frankly they can’t deal with that so they vent their fury and abuse at me as the Pantomime Villan. If I started reporting every post which breached the guidelines the Moderators would be inundated. Perhaps it may tone down the behaviour but I very much doubt it. So combined with my view its a waste of theirtime I rarely bother.


    City in the last century is not going to be phased by what a few people say on here.

    What is posted here is frequently offensive but as @mefty says I have seen and heard much worse in 35 years in Finance

    Full Member

    it is à bit depressing anyone could get vexed on the Rugby thread,

    I’m saying nothing, he whose name I shall not speak has already posted on this thread!!

    Free Member

    Anyway this thread should be about TMH so my apologies for diverting it. FWIW I have encouraged him to try and stay away and I need to listen to my own advice on that really, certainly on anything remotely politcal or controversial. Mind you we said the same thing to each other over a beverage 18 months ago.

    Full Member

    I have different views to the most frequent STW posters and frankly they can’t deal with that so they vent their fury and abuse at me as the Pantomime Villan

    Nope. There are plenty of folk on stw who have differing viewpoints and mostly people are very good humoured about it. Nobody has a problem with you having a different philosophy or world view. What people dislike is your degrading the discussion by making stuff up. It spoils the forum for everybody.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I have different views to the most frequent STW posters and frankly they can’t deal with that

    Views and opinions are a very different thing from something presented as a statement of fact.

    If I said “I don’t like cows” that’s my opinion, and one all those pesky cow-lovers might disagree with in a healthy and stimulating bovine debate.

    If I said “cows are made of cheese” that’s stating a fact (which is untrue), and people would be correcting me. And I’d welcome that correction, maybe do a bit of reading if it was something worth following up on. This is how we learn things.

    If in the face of evidence I continued to assert that cows are made of cheese, or went on to state that there are fish on the moon and Bruce Springsteen was an alien from the planet Splork, I expect people would get a bit impatient after a while.

    EDIT: I should stress, I’m not talking about anyone specific here, I’m talking about the right to reply vs bullying. I tried to choose my words clearly, but clearly I didn’t choose them carefully enough.

    Free Member

    Junkyard is constantly breaching the forum guidelines,

    then report me and let them deal with me

    following me around and making little/no effort to engage in a thread other than throwing insults.

    I do not follow you around and you brought me up on this thread , twice, and then say that. YOu need to add paranoid to your pantomime villain claim now.

    It’s bothered TMH sufficiently he has reported Junky and others for online bullying and Junky has had at least one ban as a result.

    Amusingly THM and I both got the same ban at the same time but as he has fared less well than me, on adhering to forum rules of late, I am not sure he is the authority to which i would appeal. I am not sure any ban has been for bullying but certainly I have had them for being abusive/overly personal but as I said I have tried to stop doing that and it seems to be working. Certainly I was guilty of that hopefully I no longer am.

    Junky doesn’t get reported more in part as I don’t read the vast majority of what he posts and partly as I think the moderators have better things to do with their voluntary time I rarely report him.

    how do you know what I do if you dont read most of it ? Secondly you care so little that you keep bringing me up on this thread saying how i deserve a ban for abuse whilst complaining about how personal I get.

    Junkyard has the tag Lazarus for good reason.

    there is an entire thread on this and the reason seems to be known by everyone but you.

    Essentially you post things that are not supported by the evidence and often state things that are not even vaguely accurate and are not even an opinion they are just factually inaccurate accounts of events – northern rock claim is the most recent i recall- Others have given you the solution to this but please stop bringing me into this and then saying i make it personal.

    Full Member

    jambalaya – Member

    If 15 folk call him out for being a repetitive and consistent liar is that bullying, insulting or abusive?

    I am not a “repetitive and consistent liar”, so yes it is. I can’t recall ever having read posts from anyone here proving what you assert to be the case. I have different views to the most frequent STW posters and frankly they can’t deal with that so they vent their fury and abuse at me as the Pantomime Villan.[/quote]

    You have form, in pretty much every political thread, of using unsubstantiated “facts”, which in turn gets you called out to provide a source. You then skirt around the issue and like a career politician move on to the next subject to divert attention. Then deny that it was you and so the next few pages are awash with name calling, questions you won’t answer, and the odd flounce. The fact you seem to have never ending supply of #Alt-Facts is the reason you’ve been tarred with the #Jambafact tag line.

    THM just refuses to answer the question put to him. Then repeatedly states that he answered the question. “I’ll refer the gentleman to the answer I gave a few moments ago”. Then changes the subject.

    Full Member

    THM just refuses to answer the question put to him. Then repeatedly states that he answered the question.

    Its just because we are too stupid to understand his answers!

    Free Member

    I can’t recall ever having read posts from anyone here proving what you assert to be the case.

    People lying on their mortgage applications is fraud. That brought down Northern Rock and Halifax Bank of Scotland


    MEapparently you work in the finance sector and then say things like that
    it is not even tenuous it is just a complete fabrication
    Precise its securitisation model failed and there was a run on the bank.

    WIKI Explanation

    Under the chairmanship of Matt Ridley, Northern Rock had a business plan which involved borrowing heavily in the UK and international money markets, extending mortgages to customers based on this funding, and then re-selling these mortgages on international capital markets, a process known as securitisation. In August 2007, when the global demand from investors for securitised mortgages was falling away, the lack of money raised by this means that Northern Rock became unable to repay loans from the money market. This problem had been anticipated by the financial markets, which drew greater attention to it. On 14 September 2007, the bank sought and received a liquidity support facility from the Bank of England, to replace funds it was unable to raise from the money market. This led to panic among individual depositors, who feared that their savings might not be available should Northern Rock go into receivership. The result was a bank run – the UK’s first in 150 years – where depositors lined up outside the bank to withdraw all of their savings as quickly as possible, particularly since everyone else was doing the same

    NOW : – probably one of my posts you did not read 😆

    There is no way what you said can be reconciled with the facts and its just not true
    Whether this is a deliberate mistake or you just being wrong i dont really know but you dont exactly have a great track record of dealing with the facts when they are presented to you and retracting your point in the face of evidence. This is what folk get annoyed about.


    Here if anyone cares

    OK exiting this thread as it really should not be about me and nothing would disappoint THM more than his thread being about me 😉

    Free Member

    Its just because we are too stupid to understand his answers!

    you should READ MORE then

    Full Member

    I have different views to the most frequent STW posters

    you often post stuff that is demonstrably not true. You frequently and blatantly make shit up, and you do it repeatedly and in a pattern that seems to be designed to just derail and divert threads. You don’t seem to have “discussion” in mind as you don’t seem to want to be open to an opposing view. You earned #jambafact for a reason, perhaps you should reflect on that?

    Full Member


    Full Member


    Free Member

    Am i too late?

    Full Member

    you should READ MORE then

    Not enough reading around the subject!!

    Free Member

    Ironical LOLz at Cougar.

    Free Member

    This citing business is going well. Afterall there is so much material.

    Full Member

    Cougar – Moderator

    I should stress, I’m not talking about anyone specific here


    (sorry, couldn’t help meself)

    Full Member

    Enough to make a nice pair of curtains?

    Free Member

    He lied about Hillary having a stroke, he continues to lie about it, it’s not funny or annoying anymore, it just makes me lose respect for someone who is obviously bright and brings a fair bit to the table.

    Free Member

    “This citing business is going well. Afterall there is so much material.”

    You reckon? Seems to me for the time being in this thread people are laying off the ad hom and actually providing examples of things people have said rather than just name calling.

    Mind ewe, it won’t last.

    Full Member


    Very good. (-:

    Right. I think I’m going to close this here, we’ve got a lot of people wading in now and it’s heading into Ganging Up territory (and we established THM’s whereabouts pages ago). My only reservation is that I wanted to give Jamba a right to reply before closing it, so Jambalya if there is anything you want to add send it to me and I’ll post it unless there’s a compelling reason not to.

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