I’ve had a front wheel rebuilt after snapping a spoke. Last time it happened on the rear wheel, they kept going one after the other, so thought it worth getting the whole wheel done.
I picked the wheel up without really giving it much of a look over, as I was at the start of a long drive and already running late.
I looked at the wheel yesterday and realised that the spokes are protruding back into the rim past the spoke nipples by quite a long way. It’s a non tubeless rim and on some of the spokes there is no protrusion, on some it protrudes a bit and on a few the end of the spoke is virtually level with the bed of the rim.
I have never seen this before and am not sure whether it might cause punctures once I put a tube in (with rim tape, of course). Or whether it’s OK to be like that? Just looks a bit weird. Almost like some of the spokes are a bit long.
Apart from that it’s all good.
Don’t wanna take it back to the shop asking why it’s been done like that, if it’s normal practice…