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  • TV Ariel experts help please.
  • toppers3933
    Free Member

    Ive got an issue with my tv reception. Basically its dreadful. The ariel is a year old and all looks ok. It was fine but just before christmas but it deteriorated to the point where its unwatchable. we have a BT vision box which also uses the ariel but that is absolutely fine. Any ideas? Tried retuning it and all that did was lose a load of channels. The ones that remained are still really bad. The bt vision box drives me nuts though because the user interface is crap. And before you say it, i don’t want sky/virgin. Couldn’t afford it even if i did want it but its about 500 channels of rubbish.

    Full Member

    Sounds more like the TV tuner is knackered if another box using the same aerial is fine?

    Free Member

    Have you tried the BT Vision box on the same cable? to rule out a dodgy cable.

    Free Member

    is it an analogue TV? 😉

    Have you have a postcard from at800?
    Are you in one of these areas?


    Free Member

    The recent weather has probably moved your aerial a bit which could be just enough to mean that the signal is just about strong enough for one tv but not the other.

    Full Member

    Is your aerial powered? I.e is there a small box the aerial plugs into which is in turn plugged into mains?

    Does deteriorated mean got progressively worse, or was suddenly crap?

    Free Member

    went a bit ropey, then gradually got worse over a fairly short period of time. its a digital tv thats only about 4 years old. have tried plugging straight into the tv without running through the bt box first but its the same. its royally annoying.

    samuri, are you feeling ok? 🙂

    Full Member

    Samuri’s making a subtle spelling joke… 😀

    Could be water ingress in cable. Is the aerial connection a wall socket, or direct cable?

    Free Member

    Ah ok. I forgot about the spelling and grammar fairies.
    it plugs straight into the tv, no socket. have checked the cable right up to the ariel ( 😉 ) and it looks good.

    Full Member

    My money is on water ingress from a poorly sealed connection at aerial; a year is about right for it to bork the signal on a normal install from memory.

    Unscrew rf connector that plugs into telly, and look for any signs of green…

    Free Member

    its a digital tv thats only about 4 years old. have tried plugging straight into the tv without running through the bt box

    This does seem to suggest that it’s the TV tuner that’s failed/failing rather than the aerial connection. The BT Vision box *should* have a signal strength/quality thing somewhere (try this link). See if you can compare on the TV.

    If it is the TV – cheap freeview box or replace the BT Vision box with a YouView box – really good interface.

    Free Member

    My money is on water ingress from a poorly sealed connection at aerial;

    Though the BT box is still working….

    This is the usual problem though – especially crappy aerial co’s that fit a new antenna without replacing the cable when it’s usually the cable that’s actually the problem

    Full Member

    Have you got one of these on you roof?

    That might be why your reception is bad?

    Full Member

    Though the BT box is still working….

    Oops, missed that! 😳

    I’m a long time out of the game, but could it be that the Vision box requires only a low stregth signal?

    Also not sure why a receiver would degrade, rather than suddently fail?

    Full Member

    Also not sure why a receiver would degrade, rather than suddently fail?

    Shielding/grounding on aerial connector in TV has its solder drying out?

    Free Member

    Could still be cable issues with the TV tuner being more sensitive to poor signal quality compared to the BT Vision box.

    If the TV is portable i.e. not an old skool 60kg CRT or monster 60″ job then you could take it round a mate’s house and try their aerial connection. If it’s still ropey then you know your TV is duff.

    Free Member

    going to have a look into it later thanks. i can take it to my dads and try it there. good idea.

    Free Member

    Take the coax lead from your wall plate to the TV also and try using that round your Dad’s vs using his cable.

    Free Member

    no wall plate. straight from ariel to bt box to tv. but its the same if i take it straight to the tv.

    Free Member

    Seems to be sorted. We had guy out this morning who messed around with it and changed cables and its all working better than ever. Turns out its the bt box causing the signal to go on the fritz. Thanks for the suggestions.

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