Cougar, that did actually occur to me a little while after posting. ? as far as spending money on something you won’t regret’s concerned, there are plenty of things I’ve spent money on that I’ve regretted, and my tat’s aren’t any of them. I thought about them for years before deciding what to have and designing or finding the original illustrations. The Ogham on my wrist says ‘this too shall pass’, as it happens. Plenty of people have random bits of text in various languages allegedly saying different things, Ogham is an early British pre-Anglo Saxon script, so more appropriate for an English bloke, I feel.
To repeat, though, don’t get a tattoo just because you think you ought to, you have to want it, and be comfortable with living with it. Ignore TJ, he doesn’t like anything very much, and disapproves of anyone doing any of it. ?