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  • Stupid fox RLC adjuster knob
  • glenh
    Free Member

    Is there anyway of stopping the compression dial turning when you move the lockout knob?

    The compression dial seems to be spring-loaded against the bottom of the lockout knob so it always moves out of position whenever I move the lockout.

    It’s all clean, so that’s not the problem. Is it really that crappy a design?

    Free Member

    If it’s Fox, it’s probably a crappy design. Fashionable though.

    Free Member

    No-one else have this problem?

    Full Member

    does it not move back with the lock-out lever as well?

    Free Member

    yeah i did on 09 ones’ where the bloody rebound, compression and lockout were all on the same top knobs 🙁

    thought the new 10 ones onwards had the rebound on the bottom, and just lock out and compression ontop? Surely still not an issue? i thought thats why they changed the 10 ones….

    if they are 09’s then i feel your pain, as my rebound and compression used to move every time i locked out 🙁

    shit design, you can unscrew the little grub screws to give a good clean, which helps until mud/sand/grit etc gets back in (ususally after 1 ride) and your back to the same scenario again…

    Free Member

    They are 09 ones, but I don’t see how the new design is any help. the rebound isn’t the problem. It’s the compression being moved by the lockout.

    Cleaning doesn’t help – it’s totally clean now and still has the same problem.
    Basically the friction between the lockout and compression dials is higher than that between the compression dial and it’s indents.

    Free Member

    Yes have sane issue too; have stripped , cleaned and lightly oiled but compression dial still shifts a notch or so, both ways, when either engaging or disengaging lockout, think it is an 09 model. I just live with it, note position of compression dial and readjust if it shifts, but not a very good nor robust design IMO

    Free Member

    09’s the same as i had – in that case ditch them and get float RL’s 😉

    Free Member

    in that case ditch them and get float RL’s

    Might as well. The fact the compression adjuster won’t stay in position does render it rather useless. Worse than useless in fact, since it’s normally where I don’t want it.

    Free Member

    yeah certainly does, never really used it to be honest, and to be honest i prefer the rl’s less faffing, and seem more plush somehow!

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