Home Forums Chat Forum Long shot… Anyone had trouble with an Aqualisa shower?

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  • Long shot… Anyone had trouble with an Aqualisa shower?
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    Ours turned itself on this morning on its own, ran for about 30 seconds, then shut off.

    Since then it has been dead apart from one brief burst of life that cut out after about 30 seconds.

    Controller or something else? The shower was already in the house before we bought it and we have no idea where the pump is!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I had one of these. It broke. I pulled it off the wall and pushed a new one onto the pipes, it was that easy to fit.

    Free Member

    I have the one you have pictured, although I have never had the problem you have had. I would contact them though their customer service is good and I’m sure they offer a set price for a repair/ parts. I had an issue with mine this year and a technician gave me some advice over the phone which fixed the problem straight away.

    Free Member

    pump normally in loft or under bath, is it actually pumped? wont be if you have a combi boiler

    Free Member

    Yep had that happen turned off at the mains and left for a while then turned back on cured it for about 6 weeks .

    happened again but no joy was replaced under warranty and happened again after warranty expired so fit a cheaper shower .

    Full Member

    Troutie, was it the controller at fault?

    Free Member

    Nope it was the pump unit thats where all the lectronics are.

    Full Member

    Awww shit.

    Full Member

    Found it! False back in the cupboard in the room next door! Old houses are brilliant 🙄

    Free Member

    Found this site to very useful for shower stuff…

    Full Member

    Urgh. £241 for a fitted replacement through Aqualisa. Cheaper than buying it from anywhere else (apart from Ebay), but I’d still rather the damn thing hadn’t packed up in the first place.

    Does anybody want to buy one of my kidneys?

    Free Member

    Had two Aqua Lisa showers in our previous house, both broke. Wouldn’t touch them again, too clever for their own good imho.

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