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  • Legal help and general advice please.
  • shreck
    Free Member

    It’s a long story,an ex that turned out to be a bit crazy and full of lies has come back to say she is pregnant I was just wondering if a solicitor would become involved 2 months into the pregnancy with no prof of paternity,I have lots of reasons to des believe her,as when we split she told me she had an abortion without telling me then she got a friend to text asking if there was a history of multiple pregnancies in my family as they had missed something and she was still pregnant,since then she has told me she has miscarried twice to get a reaction from me,I’ve asked for proof of the pregnancy with only a mobile picture of a scan with no date on,I’m not trying to get out of my responsibility but I think she could just be playing mind game so just looking for some neutral advice if anyone else has been through anything similar.

    Free Member

    tell her to come back when it is born, at that point you will meet your responsibilities, until then you just dont want to know…..

    Full Member

    a history of multiple pregnancies in my family

    yes, it’s something that’s passed down the male line that sort of thing 😯

    Maybe get some legal advice so you’re prepared to deal with it when/if a baby appears.

    In the meantime just tell her you want any further communication in writing.

    Keep records of everything she has done/said up til now – I’d keep a diary, tbh.

    Full Member

    Hustler +1.

    Sounds like a load of bunkum. Step up to the plate if and when you need to, but until then treat it all with a pinch of salt. If there’s any truth in it at all, do your bit. I suspect she’s playing games – I once knew a girl with similar issues. Complete fruitloop.

    Free Member

    I’ve asked for a picture of the scan,do they have the date imprinted on them?

    Full Member

    Yes, and the mother’s name. But they don’t have a comparison of your DNA v the DNA of the embryo.

    Free Member

    I’ve tried to have no contact with her which ends up making things worse the last thing ended with her sending me a picture of messages she says she had sent to my ex and my mum on Facebook with a picture of said scan and a nasty message,I have a son with my ex who lives with me full time so I’m guessing she sent the message to the ex to try to cause some kind of problem.

    Full Member

    Based solely on your OP, I’d be saying “prove it or jog on.” What’s a scan going to prove, are you looking for a family likeness?

    I’ve tried to have no contact with her which ends up making things worse

    But if you don’t do that, she’ll never go away. You’re playing right into her hands, she says jump and you come running. This is abuse, and it’ll continue as long as you let it.

    Free Member

    unitl it’s born, then do SFA. then do your bit, but as I’m learning 12 years down the line, that may not be enough for some, believe me parenting a child to a bunny boiler is no fun when they’re an ex..


    Full Member

    If mum and your ex are her leverage, why not talk to them first and explain her behaviour? Cut off them as her hold over you then tell her to jog on.

    Free Member

    Shea never met either my mum or my ex,she just found them on Facebook and messaged them. She said her solicitor will be contacting me soon so just wondering if that would happen so early in a pregnancy?

    Free Member

    Sounds to me like you need some professional intervention in the situation.

    These people are good: http://www.itv.com/jeremykyle/

    Full Member

    She said her solicitor will be contacting me soon

    Wait until he does, then demand a DNA test.

    My expert opinion as a complete stranger on the internet is she’s bluffing to try and extort money / attention from you (and it appears to be working).

    Full Member

    She said her solicitor will be contacting me soon

    Tell her you’d like to wait for the solicitors letter and respond to that but you’ll not communicate directly with her any more and that any further attempts to contact your family will be reported to the police as harassment. Do this in writing and then ignore anything from her that isn’t a solicitors letter.

    Free Member

    Tell her you’d like to wait for the solicitors letter and respond to that but you’ll not communicate directly with her any more and that any further attempts to contact your family will be reported to the police as harassment. Do this in writing and then ignore anything from her that isn’t a solicitors letter.


    Wait until he does, then demand a DNA test.

    and this.
    then, if its your child, act responsibly.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Free Member

    I had an ex tell me she was 3 months pregnant a month or so after we split up. Apparently it turned out to be twins, plausable as she had twin brothers. Then she went and had an abortion. I think the whole thing was BS, never know for sure though.

    Free Member

    Surely if it was bumkum as Pook suggests then she couldn’t possibly be pregnant.

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