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  • Just got struck by lightning!
  • CaptJon
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    Well, the building i work in did (central newcastle).

    Free Member

    My apartment building did last year in the middle of the night. I live on the 12th ( top ) floor. I was awake and upright in a flash ( so to speak ). There might have been a small amount of fecal leakage.

    Full Member

    our house did a couple of years ago.

    Certainly woke everyone up.

    blew up the phone, virgin box and tv (think it cam down the aerial lead). Fortunately the computers were all off.

    Free Member

    Shocking 😉

    Free Member

    I was sat in the back seat of a mates car eating rice pudding from the can queuing/in a traffic jam to get out of the V Festival quite a few years ago. It’d just started to rain lightly and a bloke and his mate walked past the car with an umbrella up.

    All of a sudden, bright flash, bloke staggering in a daze and an umbrella looking a bit worse for wear all bent up.

    Really bizarre. The bloke was fine. I decided to wind the window up at that point and put down the tin of rice pudding.

    Free Member

    I saw the roof of a hotel near Fareham get zapped right off a few years back. Immense power and in a weird way I’m glad I saw it.

    Free Member

    I’ve been hit in a yacht before..

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    Flying out of Kuala Lumpur in a thunderstorm I watched the plane get struck several times

    Free Member

    Also suffered a direct strike in a yacht; I was steering via the stainless steel ship’s wheel and the lightning struck the mast, travelled down the back stays and through me! Apart from a kick (like being attached to the mains!) and temporarily deafened from the loud bang I was ok! The boat’s VHF radio was fried…

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    Was hiking several years ago along a mesa-top in the Jemez Mountains here in New Mexico and a bolt of lightning struck a Ponderosa Pine about 75 yards from me. The tree, about 65 feet tall, literally exploded, sending post-sized shards of splintered tree trunk in every direction. Scared the bajeezus out of me and my German Shepherd. We set a world speed record down the side of the mesa to the truck. Fortunately a downpour followed the strike within seconds, eliminating any forest-fire potential.

    Free Member

    saw some at Glasto one year flashing off the corner of one of the stages.


    was impressive

    Free Member

    Our old house was struck 10 years ago , I got home from work about 12.00 and had some dinner with my fiance then after she went to work I was just settling down for a kip when there was an almighty bang.

    I very nearly had an accident , it blew the tv/video/sky box/phone and computer.No worries we were insured however it was 5 weeks before we were due to get married , trying to sort the insurance and finalise wedding plans was a ballache (not helped by the reception venue burning down 2 days later). A mate over the road was having problems with kids and had a 24 hour tape recording his house that caught the strike , it was a bit of a scary watch!

    The only other scary thunderstorm we’ve been in was one night in 2001 in Mur de Bretagne on a campsite right next to the dam , it was like daylight inside the tent. I chose to take both of us to the bogs to sit it out but after a couple of hours it wasn’t going away so we chanced it and went back. There was a scene of devastation the next morning with bits of tree everywhere also strangely there were hundreds of dead bright green lizards everwhere too.

    Full Member

    Mmmmm rice pudding

    Free Member

    Just got struck by lightning!

    What super-power did you end up with?

    Free Member

    was 20 feet from a jcb that got fried, one hell of a bang,

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    one point twentyone gigawatts!

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    Free Member

    My sister got struck in a tent in Andorra. The lightning went down a tent pole, along the frame of her camp bed, through a tin of Brillo pads and into the other tent pole. The Brillo pads were fused into one mass of smoking metal mixed up with soap.

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