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Thank all of you for the other thread on bearings, I hope you don't mind it too much it was my birthday present to myself.
Laughed so hard I almost pissed myself, in my own defence I figured since all of my threads get ripped to pieces and ruined I might as well enjoy myself.
However we are still left with the question on how do we determine, what are the best bearings to use in MTB applications?
Which bearings will last the longest and give the best value for money?
I have a radical if somewhat idiotic suggestion for this day and age, we that is to say STW and those of us that meet here! could investigate the situation for ourselves.
On the bright side since I have already done a lot of investigating of the subject we have my experience to fall back on, if we get stuck.
I believe that Performance bearings with cages if they are at reasonable prices and fully pregreased are the best bearings to run.
Firstly: because they are made of superior materials in terms of their construction of the races, balls or cages and also seals.
Secondly: because the pregreasing with the right grease makes them a lot more water and dirt resistant and less likely to fail.
I prefer the caged bearings because when I work the grease into the bearings by rotating them you end up with a layer of grease on the outside of the cage and another layer on the inside.
In my experience this makes it a lot harder for the water and dirt to get to the actual balls or inner part of the races and to wear them out prematurely.
This is the first test or experiment I suggest that we run it is not the only test we will need to do and is just the beginning if we want to truly understand what is required.
However this is one of the first things I did and a good place to start.
Is there any difference in the rate at which performance and budget bearings rust and does pregreasing the bearing make them last longer?
Type of bearing from left to right
Budget Enduro SKF (standard) SKF (pregreased)