Home Forums Bike Forum Good solar/battery powered security light for outside the bike shed?

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  • Good solar/battery powered security light for outside the bike shed?
  • GrahamS
    Full Member

    Is there such a thing as a good, bright, battery or solar-powered security light that I can mount to cover the door of my shed?

    Ideally I’d like one that looks relatively discrete and can be turned on manually when I want it (so I can see to oil my chain etc in the winter).

    I’ve been browsing on Amazon and found this sort of thing:


    Which looks alright, but apparently has “the same output as a 40W bulb” which seems fairly pitiful.

    Full Member

    No one? Surely this must be a common requirement?

    Further browsing of Amazon reviews suggests this light is quite a bit better:


    But there are still a few scathing reviews about quality etc.

    And it doesn’t exactly meet the discrete requirement so the missus may be less than happy with it.

    Full Member

    A 40W bulb is pretty bright when there are no other light sources TBH, more than enough to clean a bike/oil a chain I’d have thought?

    Full Member

    Probably, not sure it would be bright enough for its main purpose though: to deter a thieving scrote.

    Full Member

    Take your pick from here.

    I’ve the 36, and it’s brilliant. The lead is very long, so can mount the solar panel a fair way (well, about 5m) away from the light unit. Dows the job nicely!


    Free Member

    I built my own system in the end – bought a 12V solar panel, a charge controller for a street light and a 12V SLA battery with suitable capacity for my needs from EBay. Solar panel sits on the roof, the charger controller is a doddle to connect (6 connections to the panel, battery and load device) – happily runs a light on the shed, an AA/AAA battery charger, radio, mobile charger etc etc though voltage droppers, again from Ebay for a few quid each.

    Full Member

    Take your pick from here.

    I’ve the 36,


    The second one I linked to is the 56, which is the 36’s big brother.
    Oddly for some reason it is cheaper on “The Solar Centre” seller via Amazon (£56) than it is on The Solar Centre website (£69) 😕

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