We’re considering getting one in our swanky new kitchen, to replace the current ‘normal’ one.
Now, I have my reservations, as the last time we had one (in a rental property), the fact that it was integrated meant that the door couldn’t be left open to let the door seals dry out, so the seals were a minging mouldy mess. We used to prop the door open a bit with a tea towel to stop it getting worse, which was a partial solution.
So, it feels like my options are:
1) Have an integrated machine and keep the door shut, so the go horrible and mouldy. Pro: looks nice in new kitchen. Con: costs more money, minging seals
2) Have an integrated machine and prop the door open a bit. Pro: non minging seals. Cons: costs money, propped open door spoils look of new kitchen a bit
3) Keep existing (good, reasonably new) machine: Pro: costs nothing, no minging seals. Cons: spoils look of new kitchen.
She wants 1), I probably want 3)
So, tell me your integrated washing machine ownership experiences.