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  • Ed Oxley , The Chop
  • CheesybeanZ
    Full Member

    Sorry if its been done already .

    Free Member

    Hipflask and power tools.

    Too man 🙂

    Free Member

    A strange looking fella making a strange type of mtb video??

    Got boring very quickly sorry.

    Free Member

    Errr is it just me it was that just a bit rubbish?

    And why do all videos nowadays have this crap wet-the-bed type music on them nowadays?

    Free Member

    Errr is it just me it was that just a bit rubbish?

    I’m sure it’s not just you since we all have our own tastes and opinions, but for the record I thought it was highly refreshing change from the usual and definitely entertaining. I hope to see some more like it. Bravo Ed 😀

    Full Member

    Unbeknownst to me, I named my video production company very similar to his. I saw this the other day and thought they’d copied me, but then realised I named mine after them.
    (Black Tea, One Sugar productions…..incidentally)

    Unusual video. Liked seeing the workshop stuff. All good.

    Free Member

    Hmmm its a bit different.

    Not quite sure what the point of the video was…. (it was a promo vid – just not sure what its promoting?)

    Free Member

    he looked a bit unstable on that inbred I thought…

    Full Member

    Sorry, crap.

    Full Member

    Always surprises me how quick people are to just say things are ‘rubbish’ rather offer a critique…

    Free Member

    Right up my alley , loved it.

    Full Member

    First few minutes thought it was all a bit cliche and wondered what had happened to Edd, then it got all weird and dark. Liked it.

    And why do all videos nowadays have this crap wet-the-bed type music on them nowadays?

    Well in this case as it’s a parody of them would be my guess.

    Full Member

    Could have been worse,

    Ed Oxley, The Snip!


    Full Member

    Thoroughly enjoyable and beautifully filmed. The bit at the end was well special.

    If he looked unstable, I’m a lost cause.

    Free Member

    That was all right that was.

    Full Member

    alexpalacefan – Member

    Could have been worse,
    Ed Oxley, The Snip!

    Well first there was Mo-vember, then Stop-tober, I just hope no-one invents Diss-member.

    Full Member

    I liked the deliberately rusty bike

    Full Member

    Diss-member 🙂


    Free Member

    Not for me.

    Full Member

    I’ll bet you £7 that he will present a segment on The Cycle Show within a year.

    Free Member

    Was ace. A refreshing change. Eds a bit like ginger beer with a shot bourbon.

    Free Member

    Really disappointed it didn’t have any Slowmo water dripping off a leaf, speeded up mist moving through trees or tyre marks in the mud with a trendy filter 😉
    Other than that yeah it was pretty good

    Free Member

    I don’t geddit?

    Or is that the point?

    Free Member

    I’m sure he’s a nice fella

    But no.

    Free Member

    Always surprises me how quick people are to just say things are ‘rubbish’ rather offer a critique…

    Ok, if that’s what you want!

    What sort of video was it? If it’s a lifestyle one with the motorbike stuff it was a bit lame. Didn’t really say too much and I lost interest. Not really his forte I thought – might have been nice if the motorbike bit was half the length as it didn’t hold attention for me.
    I know he must be a good rider as he teaches others but the riding bits seemed to make riding in Calderdale look a bit tame, which they aren’t at all. Most seemed to be in the same bit of woods – admittedly there is a lot of that sort of thing round there but it could have been better IMHO.
    I have no idea why the bit at the end was there, really jarred with me. A good idea which might have been better spread over the whole video – a slasher theme mixed with riding would be interesting!

    And the music – is this really what people listen to nowadays? I know it’s probably not my thing but all videos tend to have a similar sort of music to this now. C’mon! Use a bit of imagination!

    Free Member

    Soz Ed, not my thing. Each to his own.

    Free Member

    Should have been titled “The Vain Vagrant”.

    Self obsessed rubbish imo

    Full Member

    Got a good reception when shown at Kendal mountain film festival last Friday.
    The chop had my attention more, than not bad which was shown next. Only so many tailwhip bar spins I can take in half an hour!
    Good to see something different from a bike film.

    Full Member

    If it’s a lifestyle one with the motorbike stuff it was a bit lame.

    It wasn’t. That was the parody part of other films, I’m not sure there was a story behind it other than a brief insight into Edd’s life then it went very surreal. I liked the end made it far more interesting than a lifestyle video, it got all a bit Royston Vasey.

    I enjoyed the riding sections although brief it reminded how much is to be had in Calderdale area.

    Free Member

    Not a fan either, a crap advert for OO and an intro into some bizarre cult. Shame cos everything else he does is mint but you can’t please everyone.

    Full Member

    Quite liked it, mostly because there were no whips in it. There was an axe though….

    Free Member

    I didn’t understand it, and for that reason I liked it.

    Free Member

    Very self indulgent but watchable all the same.

    Full Member

    very good!

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth I liked it.

    Way more interesting than 99.9% of mountain bike ‘films’ with a load of dudes talking in made up words like gnarly and loamy and other such rubbish. Can’t stand bike vids these days they’re all the same. Dull.

    Free Member

    I want a rusty bike now.

    Free Member

    I watched it all the way through which is unusual for me as I get bored very easily.

    Free Member

    Loved it, hope to see more please Mr O.
    Different. Normal person, but good, riding. Funny. Great.

    Full Member

    Could have been worse:

    Ed Oxley: Lets Rip

    Could go in many different directions with that one…

    Full Member

    i LIKED it! /ouirish

    I also liked seeing him skittle around on that hardtail on wet slippy rocks, reminds me of my own sketchy riding style!

    10/10 from me 😉

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