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  • Conservative coalition with DUP…..
  • oink1
    Free Member

    Really May(hem)?? What a bunch of anti abortion, anti gay rights, climate change denying bigots. Way to go 😯

    Full Member

    Some people will jump into bed with anyone,if they’re desperate enough.

    Free Member

    Gonna make for an ‘interesting’ few years…

    Free Member

    Could have a disastrous effect on the peace agreement in NI.

    Full Member

    It’s going to be very amusing when the good people of Great Britain find what the DUP are about.

    Free Member

    Some people will jump into bed with anyone, if they’re desperate enough

    Yes indeed, ‘Labour’ supporters did genuinely just try and vote in a Marxist chancellor. 😆 What could possibly have gone wrong 😮

    Traditionally, Marxists seize control rather than being elected so yep you’re absolutely right, it all depends how deluded/loony/desperate you are.

    Full Member

    So terrorist supporters like Peter Robinson,are to be preferred to peaceful marxists ?

    Full Member

    Don’t forget the upstanding Arlene currently embroiled in a corruption investigation at home – why wouldn’t you want them holding Tories hostage!
    Absolutely batshit mental times ahead 🙁

    Free Member

    She is not going to last.

    I don’t think that whoever replaces her – probably the Johnson buffoon, will find the arrangement tenable.

    There’ll be another election in six months.

    I am imagining the 1922 Comittee channelling Woody Allen.

    “Oh that’s just great. We’re dead and she’s talking about wheat…”

    Free Member

    Oh good yet another thread discussing same issues. There is plenty on the DUP in this one


    Welcome to coalition politics

    Free Member

    Like the sound of dup already, apart from the abortion bit, that’s got me out of a sticky situation before.

    Full Member

    Welcome to coalition politics

    So now it’s all our fault because we didn’t vote for theresa trump?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    ^ They’re better at mural painting than they are at photoshop 🙂

    Full Member

    Mrs little-pengelly sounds a right charmer.

    Do you think they’ll sit down and have cosy chats with Ruth Davidson

    Free Member

    She will be at the wedding…as long as it is not a Sunday 😉

    Why do the RW like enfht ignore a debate on the tories and the DUP and just attack labour?
    Plenty of threads for that but could you engage with the topic being discussed – we all know what your views are on labour and i would have thought you were giddy with excitement about this coalition

    It wont last for a variety of reason ranging from
    1. May is weak
    2. DUP will ask for too high a price as they dont do compromise
    3. Moderate one nations tories will feel dirty
    4. Majority is thread bare so she has to lose at some point – no votes when ministers are away or MPs ill for example
    5. Press are turning on her
    6. Brexit is even more of a mess given the DUP confused and unworkable stance on the issue

    My view May was so desperate to hang on to power she got in bed with a party that will annoy much of her own party and destroy the Peace in NI. The later is the far more serious long term issue here

    That said i did not see any other option for her other than resigning and calling a new GE and that would have been even worse [ short term] for her and the Tories

    Free Member

    What a bunch of anti abortion, anti gay rights, climate change denying bigots. Way to go

    THe DUP or the Tories? 😆

    Full Member

    Given that miss Davidson is to marry an Irish Catholic from the south I really don’t see them being happy sit downs.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    This’ll be her last gasp I reckon. Stupid.

    Free Member

    it is but it was alos her only option toher than a resignation and new election both for the tories and the country

    the later is , in the short term, far worse for the tories but may have been the better option in the long run.

    I very much doubt she has the skill to unite the party now and especially when she is propped up by them

    My only hope, and its nothing but hope, is that the Peace in NI prevails despite this but i do not see how this can come to pass.

    Full Member

    Maybe this coalition will do for the DUP what the last did for the libdems

    Free Member

    Surely it’s in breach of the Good Friday agreement?

    How can the Government be impartial now?

    Imagine if Corbyn had needed the Sinn Fein MP’s to form a government and had proposed a coalition with them? Imagine the shrieks from the Maybot!

    Free Member

    It might (help) do for the Tories if they end up having to hold another GE – and it seems likely that they will have to at some point. Though on reflection it seems they had no good options – fundamentally if they can’t get a queens speech passed then they either have to hand over to Labour or call another election. It might just be possible they could get a queens speech passed without DUP support, but if not the DUP they would then be relying on support from parties who don’t naturally support them (at least for them not to vote against it).

    So the possible options:
    1) call another GE – bad, bad, bad for the Tories (in the short term)
    2) attempt to pass a queens speech without any formal support from another party – a big, big gamble, one which is likely to backfire and force one of the other options anyway
    3) tell JC to get on with it – the worst possible option in the opinion of those in control of the Tories (though he might also struggle to get a queens speech passed, even calling in all likely support)
    4) get the support of somebody other than the DUP – seems incredibly unlikely
    5) make a deal with the DUP

    Looking at that list of possibilities, they probably picked the only possible option for them to retain power, at least for a little while. In the medium term they may end up wishing they’d just called another GE and got the pain out of the way without damaging themselves further.

    Free Member

    I can still get almost 2/1 against another GE this year – what am I missing? Will the DUP alliance really last that long?

    Free Member

    I have no idea what you are missing – might not be enough time [ for it to collapse]???? I reckon it will last less than 12 mths – whether another GE by 01/01/18 then or not I am less sure as I think say 8 weeks to stab her in the back – 4 weeks for a new leader say another 12 weeks for the coalition to collapse and new election – time is tight IMHO for this year

    We know they will fall out its just hard to predict when and over what and how many Commons defeats before they get sick of it all. A majority of 2* is going to be hard to defend and plenty of scope for rebel tories to annoy her especially as they know it wont impact on them long term as she will be gone

    * Ken clarke will oppose Brexit for example so that is now 1 if they all turn up and no one is ill Who is the female MP who hates May – cannot see her being very loyal either

    Free Member

    It may do simply because no-one wants to take the blame for forcing another election. If the DUP toe the line just for supply and confidence then there’s a pretty solid majority.

    I make it 328 vs 315 if all bar Sinn Fein turn up.

    Full Member

    I would expect another election sooner rather than later. I can’t see May not losing an important vote at somepoint or ending up totally gridlocked in parliament

    Full Member

    Junkyard – lazarus

    Who is the female MP who hates May

    All of them apart from her clone Amber Rudd

    Full Member

    Aracer, can I just say how honest and fair minded I’ve found your posts on political issues recently?

    Ta for your contributions, along with the many, many others determined not to be dragged into the gutter, something I’ve not always managed myself, sadly.

    Free Member

    I make it 328 vs 315 if all bar Sinn Fein turn up.

    True my error that is indeed the defacto majority

    All of them apart from her clone Amber Rudd

    fair point but the one who really hates her

    Nicky Morgan who was who I meant FWIW

    Free Member

    I can get almost evens on another election either this year or next year. I suppose the trouble with such odds is that I’d have to put quite a lot of money on to make it a worthwhile bet, and it could be a while before I get a return.

    Free Member

    😳 it may be because I’m a turncoat – still get a slightly funny feeling writing things which I’d have been busy arguing the other side of a few years ago.

    Free Member

    Why do the RW like enfht ignore a debate on the tories and the DUP and just attack labour?

    Actually I was attacking those who voted for the outfit disguised as labour. It’s quite basic stuff… you vote for a Marxist chancellor and you lose all possible credibility.

    Full Member

    Just spotted this – back in October 2016, Tories and DUP getting cosy:

    “In the short term, the Party should be wary of getting linked too closely with a party as socially conservative as the DUP which, as the local Tories again point out, is currently the primary force preventing Northern Ireland from joining up with the mainland on issues like gay marriage.

    This makes it very difficult for any sort of electoral pact – which some Ulster members fear – to take place. The Conservatives simply can’t endorse such positions, even tacitly.”

    How close should May get to the Democratic Unionist Party?

    Full Member


    His Twitter feed suggests he’s changed his mind and considers it a price worth paying.

    And his views on fox hunting and slipping through unpleasant legislation by burying it deep suggest he may have another agenda.

    Full Member

    Seen a lot of angst about this on social media.

    Did people really expect anything else from the nasty party?

    As hinted above, the most-worrying aspect is the implications for peace in NI.

    Full Member

    I don’t see how the Tories can now act as “honest brokers” in the NI Assembly?

    Free Member

    I don’t see how the Tories can now act as “honest brokers” in the NI Assembly?

    Indeed. I’m sure, if she could, the Queen would have something to say about it as well, but I don’t think she can refuse a majority coalition.

    Free Member

    It’ll all end in tears before bed time 😐

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