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  • Can openers…is it just me?
  • MrPottatoHead
    Full Member

    I’ll admit to being a lefty which is probably half the problem, but does anyone else struggle using a can opener? My latest has just disassembled itself on the kitchen side as it definitely wasn’t made for a lefty. One before that just mashed the can into a different shape without cutting the lid. Surely there can’t be a technique to this?

    Alternatively what is the daddy of can openers?

    Free Member

    All can openers are made for left and right handers. Just take off the handle and move the hinge to the other side.

    From a fellow lefty

    Full Member

    Just buy those with ring pull openers.



    Oh hang on…

    Free Member

    army surplus issue

    or one of these if you’re a wino

    Free Member

    seems to be easier for lefties

    Free Member

    Army surplus = best can opener ever ^

    Free Member

    MagiCan type ones are ambidextrous aren’t they? I’m right handed buy my right arms is knackered so I tend to have to work as South Paw for stuff like this.

    They’re not great openers, they wear out after a year or so and usually you end up with a tiny sliver of lable floating about, usually in your soup, but they’re easy to use with either hand.

    Ring pulls FTW, even if I have to lift them from the can with a knife to get going, see knackered arm above.

    Full Member

    Ok I must be truly odd then cause I don’t do it like that bloke in the picture up there. I’d have opener in my right hand, positioned on the left hand side of the can, and my left hand turning anti-clockwise.

    Free Member

    Can you not just visit your local Leftorium?

    Free Member

    Is this you?

    Free Member

    MrPottatoHead – Member

    Ok I must be truly odd then cause I don’t do it like that bloke in the picture up there. I’d have opener in my right hand, positioned on the left hand side of the can, and my left hand turning anti-clockwise.

    The Guy in the pic is using a MagiCan type openner, they work on top like the pic, you can hold it with either hand and turn it with the other.

    Free Member

    I’ve been using a rat pack one for the past fifteen years.

    Free Member

    You want one of these

    Makes opening cans quite easy

    Full Member

    Starter handle is awkward for lefties though….

    Full Member

    I’ve bought any number of different can openers in recent years, from the cheap ‘butterfly’ openers up to quite expensive ones, and none seem to consistently open all cans; most just seem to completely bugger up the edge of the can, leaving nasty thin, sharp bits sticking out. The only one I’ve found that really works is one of those US Army ones that I’ve had for years, although a recent acquisition of a battery-operated one that you just place on the can top seems to work, amazingly.
    I really think the construction of cans has changed, and don’t seem to open like they used to.

    Full Member

    Starter handle is awkward for lefties though….

    Not if you start it like this

    Free Member

    You eat things from cans. Blurrgh

    Full Member

    I’m right handed. Don’t think I’ve ever successfully opened a can using the old fashioned kind that clamp to the side of the can and chop the lid out.

    Idiot proof ezy-grip for me, or even better, ring pull.

    Full Member

    I knew this was a left-handed issue before I opened the thread.

    I used to use some sort of sinister voodoo when it came to can openers, arms crossed at the wrist. Putting the opener horizontally (like Spot’s photo only with a regular can opener) beat that out of me.

    A better question might be, what’s a non-shit can opener? (Cos mine’s buggered.) Brabantia?

    Free Member

    I just learned to use my right hand for things that are awkward left handed (eg. scissors).
    Have to check my can opener with my son, see if its any good for lefties. Its a Fackelmann.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Yes, that wasn’t accidental. (-:

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