Want to support the spirit of “Mo-vember”, raise some money for men’s health charities, but don’t want (or don’t have the facial follicles) to go all hairy for the month?? Join me in the all new, non-invasive “No-vember”.
As with its Mo based cousin, it’s the first syllable that’s all important in No-vember.
All you do is pick any particular indulgence you have, and say “No” to it for a month. It could be the post-ride cakes, the couple of shandies in the pub after a night ride, or maybe just the biscuit jar at work. Then, every time you would normally being dipping in to whatever it is, you instead give yourself a stern “No”, and put aside the amount of money that you have just saved yourself.
As an example, I’m going to be saying No to alcohol this No-vember. So, instead of a couple of pints on a Wednesday night, I’ll be putting a few quid aside for charity, and rather than visiting the booze aisle in Morrisons, I’ll be putting the savings into my collecting box at home after the weekly shop.
The idea is it raises money for charity, it doesn’t cost me a penny, and hopefully I’ll be a little leaner and fitter at the end of the month (if possibly a bit teasy). And anyway, December is a great month to re-tox!
So, who’s going to join in, and what are you giving up? And what are the chances of getting anyone in the Singletrack office to give up coffee?