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  • A magazine more STW than STW itself
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member


    I kid you not.

    <mod edit> Magazine’s Kickstarter page can be found at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jamiehibbard/eta-male-a-lifestyle-mag-for-the-21st-century-gent </mod edit>

    Full Member

    I can’t work out if he’s serious?!

    Full Member

    Have they renamed White Dwarf?

    Free Member


    Says he used to work at MBUK

    Someone must know him

    Free Member

    Beards and Axes is the name of his blog. Looking at the blacked out magazine cover title, I think the magazine is going to be called Beta Male.

    I hope he succeeds; I don’t think the target market includes Audi-driving IT desk-jockeys 🙂

    Free Member

    Says he used to work at MBUK

    Someone must know him

    It’s Jamie Hibbard, who was very prominent in MBUK Back In The Day.

    Full Member

    It’s hibberd.

    Worked for kerrang and top gear mags after mbuk. Don’t think he was into bikes really, more looked mbuk as intro to a career in magazines.

    Free Member


    That is his name when he replies… I have no idea who he is but i can only assume that is an piss take of a suggestion

    Free Member

    Sounds alright: GQ & Esquire are shite.

    Full Member

    It’s Jamie Hibbrrd, who was very prominent in MBUK Back In The Day.

    Remember him well, as a 15yr old I took a few fashion pointers from his style 😳

    Full Member

    what a load of shyte, seriously….sodding man bags and tips for washing your hipster jeans…ffs.

    Free Member

    Looks like a hipster bell whiff.

    Free Member

    I suppose he’s on the right track

    Magazines need advertising – and need a readership who like buying things

    Men like buying things – but maybe not quite the same things GQ is selling

    I would say the target market is very much IT desk jockies – just slightly older ones with kids

    Real beard and axe men don’t buy magazines or £200 jeans

    Free Member

    sodding man bags and tips for washing your hipster jeans

    I didn’t see a single mention of man-bags or hipster jeans in his spiel… are you sure you actually read what he had to say?

    Full Member

    I’d just like to clarify, 15yrold tomhoward wasn’t a hipster. It was all baggy jeans and nu-metal. Which, of course, is better. Hipsters hadn’t been invented back then.

    Full Member

    yup remeber him in his MBUK days

    Full Member

    so the leather satchel and Edwin and hiatt jean must be imaginary.

    Free Member

    mrlebowski – Member
    sodding man bags and tips for washing your hipster jeans
    I didn’t see a single mention of man-bags or hipster jeans in his spiel… are you sure you actually read what he had to say?

    One of his blog entries is about washing expensive jeans

    Free Member

    He tells you how to washjeans – no idea if they are hipsters or not


    i would rather poke my eyes out with a shitty stick than read how to wash some jeans so no idea how he describes them – fair traded handmade organic I presume

    Free Member

    sodding man bags and tips for washing your hipster jeans

    I’ll put you down as a ‘maybe’ then, shall I, ton? 😉

    Full Member


    Free Member

    I have a beard, and a man bag. I’m hardcore though, so went for 11 months before I washed my selvedge jeans.

    Full Member

    I bought an axe only last week. Well technically it’s a splitting maul, so maybe doesn’t count…

    Free Member

    BETA MALE obviously isn’t aimed at me.

    I wear ear defenders when using an axe splitting maul so as not to set off the tinnitus, a chain saw for anything thicker than a twig, steel-capped wellies to keep my feet dry, and my jeans are hand-me-downs from my son that only get worn to rock and roll dancing.

    The beard is kept at that length where it looks in between.

    And I’d rather read Closer than a printed man’s magazine.

    Full Member

    I have a beard and used a hatchet yesterday, do I fit the demographic?

    Actually the magazine does look fairly interesting as there are no mens lifestyle magazines which cater towards 30 somethings who aren’t interested in bespoke suits or winning the ‘smoothest tw*t in the office’ competition (here’s looking at you GQ & Esquire).

    Full Member

    I didn’t see a single mention of man-bags or hipster jeans in his spiel.

    Wash your jeans

    As a dad, indulgent times are rare, so I feel that I have to maximise each one that comes my way. Washing my Hiuts was a perfect example of one that I made the most of.

    As I had to google hiuts I’m guessing I’m not the target audience

    Free Member

    I get my jeans from Matalan. What’s hiuts?

    Free Member

    As a dad, indulgent times are rare, so I feel that I have to maximise each one that comes my way. Washing my Hiuts was a perfect example of one that I made the most of.

    Now, call me crazy, but in my ‘indulgent times’ I might go for a bike ride. Perhaps brew some beer. Sit in the sun with a good book, a drink and a decent cigar, maybe. Many, many things would come to mind before washing a pair of trousers would be a moment I ‘made the most of’.

    Clothes go in the laundry basket. Then, after a short while, they appear back in my cupboard. Leaving me time to indulge in far more important things.

    Full Member

    the only way my jeans would be worth £200 would be if i left 190 quid in the back pocket

    dont think im the target demographic

    Full Member

    I hadn’t shaved at the weekend when I cut some kindling with a hatchet (after a read meat-based pub lunch and *health and safety alert* two pints of ale). I was also wearing slim* cut jeans.

    Do I win a prize?

    *with my “build” all jeans are “slim” cut….

    Full Member

    I don’t actually own an axe.
    there I’ve said it, now does anyone want to buy a premier user account? Not sure I fit in round here anymore 😳

    Full Member

    Six months?
    Dirty little man.

    Do you think people said:
    ‘Oh, here comes that bloke with the cool jeans’.


    ‘Oh God, here’s Trampy McHonkpants again. Hold your breath.
    Get the Dettol. We’ll wipe down when he’s gone.’

    Free Member

    Fair play to him. I admire anyone who has a dream and is trying to make it happen.

    Free Member

    Six months?

    Dirty little man.

    Denim is anti-bacterial, 12month old jeans are just as hygenic as new. So there’s no need to wash untill they get grubby.

    Full Member

    So denim doesn’t soak up sweat and is resistant to skid marks and the odd drop of wee?

    Might be antibacterial but they’d still be filthy.

    Free Member

    Manbag? Check.
    Beard? Check.
    Axe? Check.

    I have to admit, I’ll be interested in how this one develops.

    Full Member

    Denim is anti-bacterial, 12month old jeans are just as hygenic as new. So there’s no need to wash untill they get grubby.

    How can you wear something regularly for 6 months and not get them grubby?

    Now I’m not a wear once and wash person and I may get a couple/three weeks out of a pair of jeans but by that time they’ll have dirt, grease, beer and takeaway etc on them. Now way I could keep a pair clean for six months just to make them look worn.

    It’s still consumerism, but I have to be onboard with my brands in some way. I need to understand them and what they’re about


    Full Member

    Denim is anti-bacterial

    Got a reference for this?

    Free Member

    He’s a great believer in ‘method living’ apparently, whatever the flipping heck that is. Now, I don’t want to sound judgemental, but basically, he’s a bit of a cockmonkey isn’t he?

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