Eurobike 2013: Moots

by 3

Causing a far bit of a stir in the halls has been the Moots Trailbuilder bike with carrying capacity for chainsaw, McLeod rake, and a sixpack of beer. Are we likely to see them in the UK? Hmmm.

For the post apocalyptic trailbuilder?
For the post apocalyptic trailbuilder?

Also on the stand was Moots 100mm travel full suspension MX Divide in a suitably high end spec.

MX Divide
MX Divide

The titanium frame features a carbon fibre Fusion Swing Link that sits between seat stays and the frame.

Fusion Swing Link
Lower pivot
Lower pivot

And inevitably the 27.5 wheeled Rogie RSL, a tidy looking little hard tail.

Rogue RSL





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