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  • Zap! Taser works
  • nickc
    Full Member

    Yeah molgrips I think that was what the Police were going with, but I think they had to have another look at what the truth was after loads of witnesses and CCTV showed that was a load of old bollards…

    Free Member

    What I said earlier by way of caveat to nickc's point was

    ..assuming the only options are gun and taser.

    What I hoped to imply was that the assumption about their [sic, for any illiterate pedants] being the only two options was itself problematic.

    We agree, nickc, I think.

    A lot of hugely ill-informed blather has been posted by others here. It seems to be based on an intuitive grasp of criminal law. Criminal law is not intuitive. That's why judges direct juries.

    Free Member


    I don't think anyone would really disagree with you, but it depends on how sure the police are that someone does have a gun. Is going straight for the taser if someone wanders up to you and says "See that guy over there? He's got a gun, he has" the best way forward?

    If they were pretty sure he had one then I think they did the right thing.

    Full Member

    Mastiles, I too hope the Police response was based on more than guesses and assumptions given that it was an informant/witness led response. I've only chucked in my two penneth based on the little information contained within the story.

    Knowing how these things pan out and considering the gravity of the consequences if this type of information was ignored, the informant would have been thoroughly interrogated, including questions to gauge their knowledge of firearms, the authenticity of their account, whether the informant is truly independant/unbiased and honest. Based on what the Police have, a tactical plan would have quickly been formed. This tactical plan could be anything from do nothing but surveil the alleged offender, send local un-armed officers to attend to assess, to a full blown control of the terminal. But certainly the Police cannot afford to ignore this kind of information.

    MrSalmon, unless you actually see a gun with your own two eyes, I don't think you can ever be "sure", but you'd certainly have reasonable suspicion. Lets face it, the response to these type of incidents is based upon the same type information that people are sent to prison. That is, witness accounts. The difference is that in a sponataneous firearms incident you don't have the benefit months of investigation and reflection to fall back upon. Again, it would be based on reasonable suspicion derived from witness accounts.

    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – Member
    i suspect Jean Charles de Menezes would have prefered a tazering

    If hed one back when his Visa expired, and not been an illegal, then he'd never have had to worry about the options..

    Free Member


    Full Member

    BTW any chance this guy was authorised to carry a gun?

    I'd sooner see a tasering than a shootout especially as I use Gatwick a bit.

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