OK, that was properly a rather broad and unnecessarily inflammatory statement I made above. Clearly there are places where it may not be advisable to walk and we all have a duty to respect the purpose for which a path was created. But I still wouldn’t want to ban people as some folk seem to advocate. There is just something wonderful about an access code that gives us all the right to access the land but makes us all responsible for our actions.
Last year I rode my bike up and down the “walkers path” on Ben Rinnes on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Doing that path at that time meant I needed to take extra care not to inconvenience the families out for an afternoon stroll. But I took it easy, shared a few jokes with the walkers I met and we all got along just fine. The point is that once you start making rules to govern who can access the land and when you lose something special.
ps. Thanks for the pointer about Jock’s Road. I’ll look that up. Funnily enough I’ve walked along that, but never ridden it. Something else to add to the list.