She’s a hateful, intolerant, bigot.
well you would recognis one 😉
Opposition to what Israel has done/does does not make you a bigot
Being intolerant of injustices that state dishes out on a daily basis to the palestinian population in terms of illegal land grabs, illegal settlements etc or opposin git killing peole abroad is not hateful its callef justice and the law
Without the US veto there would be an extraordinary amount of UN resolutions against this country –iirc USA has the most vetos of any country and the majority are Israel related
You cannot just defend Israel carte blanche becasue it has the right to exist — we can reasonably expect it to act reasonably and within International law
Criticising its actions does not make you hateful it make you dislike oppresssion whoever does it
The Peer seemed top be syaing the US funding would not last forever not Israel
It is odd even in the UK you cannot criticise Israel without knee jerk reactions but we can portray Iran as anything we like…mmm interesting