Home Forums Bike Forum Yesterday, I set off a fire extinguisher in the woods

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  • Yesterday, I set off a fire extinguisher in the woods
  • wwaswas
    Full Member

    Night ride, about 8:30pm in Stanmer Woods, using bar and helmet lights – just off the trail I spot a red fire extinguisher.

    I picked it up and it seemed quite heavy but the pin was missing from the handle.

    Well, I just had to try it.


    **** me they're loud.

    So I'm now stood there with white powder all over my right foot, in a huge cloud of powder that's reflecting my lights straight back in my eyes so what do I do?

    Yep, in spite of the fact it's dark and I've not seen a soul for an hour, I drop the extinguisher and, looking guilty, try and peer around to see if anyone was watching.

    It's still there if anyone else wants to go up there tonight and scare themselves.

    Of course I may have come across someone's cunningly disguised cocaine store and have spent the rest of the ride with £200's worth of the stuff on my shoe.

    Anyone else got any found objects stories?

    Free Member

    I was once cycling through some woods when I came across a fire, nothing too major but would clearly get out of control. I managed to find a fire extinguisher but some tit had emptied it

    Full Member


    I didn't empty it. I was a bit surprised someone had bothered to carry it that far from the road, though.

    Free Member

    Ah, that was the extinguisher used to murder someone – now its got your prints on it.

    Free Member

    There used to be an old safe with the door off it in Stanmer Woods at the top on the Uni side of the woods. 😯

    Also once found a glitter ball in a field at the side of a trail, told the gf and she moaned at me for not bringing it home with me 🙄

    Free Member

    I once found my then gf with her legs akimbo and a mate checking out she was fine. Near the top of Horsenden Hill where I used to go riding down the golf course a lot.
    I'm still mates with him, he told her it was a bet 😀

    Free Member

    I found a gun, on the side of a motorway on the exit from Aachan in Germany when hitch hiking in 1987.. It was in amongst the bushes and trees on the layby. I put it back and walked away to find another place to hitch from.

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