Home Forums Bike Forum Wtf! Spooky pedals, possibly black magic, that or alchemy?

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  • Wtf! Spooky pedals, possibly black magic, that or alchemy?
  • Olly
    Free Member

    Winding my way up a gnarly steep badass(ish) climb this weekend, i had the pedal on my left foot, snap off and drop away,

    "Cock", thinks I, as i sit on the needle strewn floor and snap the cleat free from my foot. "thats gonna put a damper on the weekends excitement"

    however, the thread on the pedal, and the thread on the crank arm, were both in pristine condition.
    the pedal screwed right in, no fuss, no complaining, no cross threading, like new.
    the bearings on the pedal itself are smooth as you like, nearly buttery.
    pedals are designed to tighten themselves as you pedal, i would certainly have noticed if my pedal was a cm over to the left when i went to clip in (and got the bike out the car, and had the cranks off the night before etc etc).
    the climb itself was quuiiite long and steep, and this was at the top, so no backpedalling has been done in a long while

    the queery i put to you…..

    WTF?? (what the "frick")

    Free Member

    you put the worng pedal on the worng side?

    Full Member

    Pedals don’t tighten as you pedal, Put them on with a spanner, spin the cranks and you will see.

    You didn’t tighten it enough.

    Full Member

    LHS pedal will unscrew itself if the bearings seize
    maybe a bit of grit made that happen, pedal unscrewed but then you freed it by turning the other way first, or maybe just banging it on the ground while attached to your foot

    ….or else satan has claimed your soul

    Full Member

    surely it’s not just the LHS, but either both or neither, what with the threads being reversed…

    …or it could be the satan thing.

    Free Member


    pedaling tightens, assuming a free spinning pedal.
    i think you may be right, probably jammed somehow :s
    how perculiwar!

    Free Member

    I loosened it before we went out to slow you down a bit. It was either that or let Steve loose on you with the pink mallet!
    Good photos though.

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