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  • Would you buy a (new) fatbike for ~£1k?
  • Northwind
    Full Member

    It’s just a normal bender fender. Think it’s probably a bit too small for the big tyres but it can’t hurt

    Free Member

    Looks like a bargain. You made a good move taking it on your usual trails first, when I first got my Mukluk I took it to Tentsmuir and was bored shitless after 2 minutes riding the beach, thought I’d made a massive mistake, thankfully they’re much more fun in the woods.

    Keep letting air out until you go too far, it’s the only way to be sure.

    I’ve not ridden mine in a while, might rectify that tomorrow. 🙂

    Full Member

    Christ on a bicycle that’s bright!!!!! 😀

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I saw that yesterday, I wonder if the original fatty is going to drop in price and be a budget option or of they’re just going to market them differently.

    Sorely tempted to sell mine and try a trail, my strava times on the fast bits at Swinely are tumbling the more I get used to it, slacker and lower can only be faster right?

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    It’s just a normal bender fender. Think it’s probably a bit too small for the big tyres but it can’t hurt

    Thanks northy……found this on the web. …might have ago myself since I have a empty muck off bottle

    Free Member

    Northwind, it’s all your fault, I finally scratched the itch….I took the time to drive a few miles to my nearest GoOutdoors just to take a look at the Calibre Dune……lifted the one that was on display out of its display work stand and was shocked just how light it was as stock… thought ah well never mind but just chanced it and got the sales guy to lift the 350mm post to its minimum insertion point and sat aboard…….it was only exactly spot on at its max! All my other bikes apart from the 29er are medium as I like to be able to move around going down technical stuff……
    Anyway I asked about buying the unmarked pristine display model and he said I could at 10% discount too so for the grand total of £521 I now own my first fatty and I’m very very impressed.
    So the top tip for anyone going for a Calibre Dune from GoOutdoors is ask to buy the display bike (and if you buy another little bike related item the kind salesman gets a big bonus too) and you too should get it for £521.
    Guess where I’m off to tomorrow? Yep beach riding all day starting at Snettisham on the shingle travelling south until half time break then back north and I feel like a little kid at Christmas 😆

    Free Member

    You lucky, lucky short arses 😥

    Free Member

    I certainly don’t want or need a fat bike but these do look a bargain 🙂

    Free Member

    But I’m 6’01″……that’s why I was shocked…….maybe I’ve shrunk in the hot baths 😆

    Full Member

    I should be on commission!

    Took it for a bomb around glentress today. Great success! Loving it tbh. Good fun on most of the red, surprisingly good at some of the harder stuff (made the Wormhole feel easy), and slow as a dog on the enduro trails. But, coming down the fort descent it was still lovely, it just reminds me of mountain biking in the 90s before gnar was invented. (except the wee gnar bits, they were just comical, I love slow crawling things on this. Physically impossible to get it down my normal line on the fort descent, it’s too wide!) Did pinchflat, and broke my lovely evolution+ pump while fixing it, which was annoying…

    Ooh! I never said, it’s actually glow in the dark! How much more could this bike give? OK, sort of pathetically weak glow in the dark but still.

    I’d rather fry and eat my own rectum than buy a bike from On One, but that does look good value.

    Free Member

    The great thing about fat bikes is the amount of control they give you on super steep and rocky descents while with the right gearing, they will outperform any other bike. Once you get over the notion of the wheels being heavier, just sit and spin and marvel about what you are able to get up. I had my Ice Cream Truck up Ben MacDui a few days ago and it was a revelation in the boulderfield. 😀


    Free Member

    I would have had a Mongoose Argus if the shop chain could have been bothered to reply to me as to which of their shops had a large in stock…… 😆

    Full Member

    I am definitely much quicker on my fattie – the all-important scientific test of riding with my mate proved it, for once he almost couldn’t keep up. Further proven as I have had to give it to him for a while as I am off the bike and he has broken a number of his strava times on it. People only think they’re slow.

    Full Member

    Northwind – Member
    it just reminds me of mountain biking in the 90s before gnar was invented.

    This is the very reason why I’m interested.

    Free Member

    I like that 🙂 Wish I had the funds to buy one 🙁 I really want a fat bike in my life.

    Free Member

    Just a quick bit of feedback update from me for the Calibre Dune fatbike.
    Went for its first ride yesterday from Snettisham beach round to Holme and back (with detours into dunes, races to the sea line at low tide and rock crawling) a round trip of just over 18 miles.
    I haven’t had such fun on a bike since my last uplift day….absolute hoot!
    The bike: stable, comfortable in stock guise (yes even the seat has a proper relief cutout), no uncomfortable vibrations through handlebars etc. Ran the tyres at 8psi perhaps could have gone even lower.
    Drivetrain is adequate….certainly rustproof and functional although obviously missed some of the smaller jumps in gearing from 2×10. Chainring is soft….bent one tooth a little in fast time but bent it back with ease!
    Only negative for me were the brakes…. They would be adequate for no trials type riding or the need to actually stop my weight so I’ve fitted a cheap spare set of Clarkes Hydraulics. The bars and stem whilst not branded are plenty stiff enough and wide enough, the tyres grip like shit to a blanket and it’s really true, they’re not sluggish…..its bizarre rolling over deep shingle at speed with minimal effort let alone racing through soft wet sand and silt at sprint speed to see who reaches the sea first.
    The rock pool boulders at Hunstanton cliffs were a real highlight….with momentum kept up the bike climbed up and over stuff that I thought I would have been on my arse if I had tried to walk over….cleaned it with no dabs.
    As for groyne drop offs it was super easy to lift the front wheel too.
    If you really are on a fatbike lust with minimal budget, you’ve got to give one a go!

    Free Member

    better deal than a second hand OOF do you think? They tend to come out in the £500-£700 range.

    Free Member

    This is getting depressing now 😥

    Full Member

    Suggsey – Member
    If you really are on a fatbike lust with minimal budget, you’ve got to give one a go!

    Why did you have to say that 😉

    Free Member

    Yes much better deal in that the wheelset is lighter, the frame and forks are lighter than the steel OOs. Lifting my mates Specialised Fatboy out the van and mine side by side, there was very little weight difference in it (although the Fatboy has 4.6 wide rubber) as for speed, acceleration, rolling resistance etc nothing in it at all….only my mate was reluctant to throw his carbon forks at stuff I was crash bashing into and over 😆
    Sorry 5thEkephant….I must admit I’ve ordered a 410mm Tomson post just for an extra inch in leg extension but think that the shorter cranks than I’m used to made it feel a little odd turning the cranks over.
    All I can suggest is go in, try one see if with a 410 seatpost it fits you or get hold of a second hand OO with carbon forks and upgraded wheels for the same money…… 😆

    Free Member

    And if your still struggling….apply for a zero % credit card and buy one from GoOutdoors on the card 😆

    Full Member

    How tall are you Suggsey?

    Free Member

    6′ 01″ tall, 33″ inside leg, long torso think honey monster 😆

    Free Member

    It felt like I was riding my Cove Stiffee fitted with full suss….that’s 17.5″ frame, the Orange is an 18″ frame, same with my old OO456 so I’m used to smaller frame/stretch and like the ability to crash with style without getting tangled in bike or my nuts crushed on the TT. 😆

    Free Member

    All I can suggest is go in, try one see if with a 410 seatpost it fits you or get hold of a second hand OO with carbon forks and upgraded wheels for the same money……

    I’m 6’4 so I don’t think it’ll work. Pity. Looks like I’ll have to spend twice as much, and it won’t even be yellow.

    Free Member

    Yeah 6′ 4″ you would be too cramped, even a layback seatpost and longer stem wouldn’t work as it would upset the handling so much.
    Keep searching, hope you manage to sort yourself a fatty without selling a body part. 😉

    Full Member

    Thanks for the size info. Looks like it could be made to fit.

    Gutted I let the extra 10% off code go now as I’ve not got a store near so would order online.

    Unless someone knows of another?

    Full Member

    After following this thread since it started, I’m off to go outdoors on Sunday…

    Free Member

    There is one off them ending soon on ebay and an OO-Fatty with carbon fork too, a bargain to be had over the new price.

    Full Member

    Webcode AUTUMN350 for £35 off.

    Free Member

    Took my new calibre dune out for a first ride in the mud and rain yesterday. Got 10% off as ‘display model.’ I’m 5’5 and have a good stand over height. Reach is longer than I’m used to but might get a shorter stem. First ride on a fat bike – faster than I expected and shot over/through muddy sections ( think a few inches of wet clay with layers of wet leaves on top) which I normal struggle through or avoid. Interesting on the turns – it’s going to take some getting used to, found it hard to weight the tyre expanse enough to really dig in and grip (leaves and mud make for a nice soft landing though)

    Thanks for the thread – really helpful. I thought a one-size-fits-all bike would be too big but it’s not.

    Still grinning 🙂

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Yesterday’s ride

    Innerleithen enduro and dh trails. The JJs gave up the ghost completely in the mud but still great fun and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the moment someone on a dh bike looks behind them and sees what’s been chasing them… Belly’s gonna get ya… It won’t fit on the uplift trailer though 🙁

    Needs more tyre.

    Full Member

    Wait till you see the look on a roadies face when you pass them. Doesn’t happen very often, but when it does 😈

    Free Member

    Ground Control’s on my Tusker, should be enuf! Nate’s seem to be standard go to for winter.

    Free Member

    All that mud at Innerleithen and I don’t see a drop of mud on that yellow frame…
    Maybe that’s just the glow in the dark paint doing its magic and hiding it?

    Full Member

    It actually does seem to shed mud well (and helicopter tape 🙁 ). Looked more like this at the bottom

    Full Member

    Just had an email confirmation that there’s a large Dune in the design stages and planned to arrive early 2016- it’ll still not be massive, fit up to 6’3 apparently though still subject to change. As long as it remains yellow as ****, it’s all good.

    Free Member

    I’ve just ridden one round the tent section at my nearest store. It’s mad in a good way. Feels much lighter than I thought it would tbh.even at 5’9″ I needed a longer post for an extra inch saddle height. I mentioned a display model discount but guy wasn’t having it lol. Very impressed but I just don’t know if I’d honestly use it mmm….

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